A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Friday, September 30, 2022

The Eldest Daughter

     Gods are more than their Estellian avatars. They have to be, otherwise they couldn't be as wise and strong as they need to be. The Gods are… well, I don't know exactly what the Gods are. Only temple clerics know what the Gods really are, no one else is allowed to know anything. 

   My family is in charge of managing Monsterland's temple, but no one is part of the clergy. Honestly, I think that's a good thing. As a monster I'm meant to bring chaos into human lives, but most of the time I find it too confusing to do properly. Mostly, I just make them feel a little scared or nervous, and then let them create chaos themselves. It's easy and I don't have to think too hard. 

  Most of our job consists of bringing offerings to the temple and taking care of the spirit monsters who live there. Since all power generated in Monsterland is drawn to the temple, there are a lot of spirit animals who live there. Unfortunately, since they don't have a soul they die if they get too far from a source of power, like a High Nightmare. So we have a rule, if you're able to make it to the temple and pray at the altar, you get a spirit animal. It's one less thing for us to worry about, and it's good practice for High Nightmares in training, so it's win-win. 

   Our family's important in another way, we're Monsterlands God bloodline. That means that the next avatar of the God of Monsters will be from my family. 

    I haven't told my family this, but I'm worried I might be the next one. Cassie seems certain that I'm a God, but I don't know why she thinks that, and no human should have the ability to tell a God from a normal Nightmare. Only Midnight Nightmares do. 

   I'm happy just being the Eldest daughter of Aubrey and Marcus Loreden, Head Nightmares of the Heartland and caretakers of all humans in Monsterland. Technically, only my mother is a Head Nightmare, but my father does errands for her often enough that in the eyes of most of us he might as well be one to. Caretaking is just making sure Humans don't take too much power for themselves. 

    Speaking of power, that's something that concerns me. Like all members of my family, I'm required to wear a charm that channels eighty percent of the power I'm granted to the temple. Despite this, at thirteen I'm almost stronger then mom, on paper at least. I'm not nearly as good at casting spells as she is. More and more people are saying that I'm stealing power from the temple, but I'm not. If anything, I try and channel as much power as I can towards the temple so that I don't awaken my demon by accident. It's getting harder and harder not to. The thing is, since I don't have any special gifts like my brother and sister, the towns people are convinced I must be stealing power from somewhere.

  Another problem is Cassie's visits. She didn't used to come all that often, but recently she's started coming almost every night. I wish I could tell her to bug off, that's what my mom tells me I should do, but I like having someone who doesn't know what I actually am to talk to. Well, she's seen my demon, because it attacked her once when I was angry, but she doesn’t know that's not the full story. I'm scared that if she finds out, she'll demand I give her all the power she wants. I know she says she doesn't want any, but my parents taught me to never ever, trust a human who says that. They're probably lying, and if they aren't you run away and tell us immediately. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

An Opinion

    I have no idea if I'm the only person who feels this way, but I wish there was a religion that didn't sell itself on being the ultimate truth. Maybe it's the person whose first attempt at a major in college was chemical engineering speaking, but I don't think there really is an ultimate truth, just a question we'll never have the answer to. That question being, "How do we find meaning in a world that's inherently meaningless?"

     I don't think there's a definitive answer to this question, nor do I get the sense that there was supposed to be a definitive answer. So I want to find other people who think, as I do, that our goal shouldn't be to find The Answer. Instead, we should be looking for An Answer, one that works for the most people possible. 

     I've spent my entire life trying to learn as much as I could about the world, trying to learn what makes our world real and the Dreamworld I live in fake. At this point, I honestly think there isn't a difference. We just all see a sky that happens to be blue, leaves that are green, and stars in the night sky. I can't prove this one way or the other, and I don't even know if it's true, but I think that the only reason our world is real is because everything in the Universe, from atoms to black holes, is working to make it real. And if that's true, why not try to make a world that's real only because we believe it's real? Do we not live in a world with paper money? 

    I have no idea if the Infinite is real, I just know that I believe it is based on what I've read and seen. I think that's what most people do, believe in something they can't prove but they believe in anyways because they've seen it for themselves. Maybe I'm crazy, but when I see a world that's this broken I can't help but think that it's time for us to look for who we are inside, not the person we're supposed to be. That's the only way to build a world that works for people. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Other Infinite?

 I have no idea where I am.

   The Nightmares could be after me, or they could be ignoring me and hoping someone finds me on their own. I wouldn't know. I've been lost for who knows how long. It's getting colder, but other than that I don't know what time of year it is. I almost wish I lived in one of the Nightmare realms. Unlike us, they get seasons. It's a way to keep track of the time, and to keep humans from clogging up the streets. Or so I've heard. 

   I spend all day walking. I don't know what else to do. I haven't seen any towns. I don't know where to find anyone. I could spend the rest of my life walking in uninhabited wilderness. The more I walk, the less real things seem to get. I keep having moments where the world seems to blur if I'm not looking directly at it. Also I swear that the more I walk the less light there seems to be. I haven't even seen the sun for about a week now. 

   I don't feel tired, though it feels like I've been walking for hours. For the first time in my life I wish that I could become hungry. At least then I'd have a better idea of how much time has passed. I've been walking in this forest for a long time. I say forest because it seems to have a lot of trees, though trees aren't supposed to grow in the human realm. Like a lot of things, they're a luxury that only the Nightmares and their followers have access to. But there must be trees, because the further I get the harder it is to see, and I don't see any stars when I look up. If I even am looking up. I don't know, directions stopped making sense a while ago. If it wasn't for the fact that my necklace isn't glowing I'd swear I was in the Infinite, that's how empty this place feels. 

    "What are you doing here, human?!"

     I react before I can think. I throw my hand out to generate a shield instinctively. The Nightmare bounces away from it. That's when I notice my necklace. It's not glowing, but I swear I feel something odd about it. It's like the power I feel from Alex, strong and certain and like it could destroy you. I'm so distracted I almost miss the Nightmare charging at me. I throw my hand up, and this time he seems to go flying. 

    I look around, scared. I'm a human. The only power I have as a human is when I'm lucid, and I can only go lucid in the Infinite or in the Dreamworld. I concentrate on reality, on what Estellia would look like if I was awake, then I look down at my necklace.

  It's glowing. 

  That can only mean one thing, this is the Infinite. How though? I swear I was awake. I'm certain I'm awake right now. Maybe this is another Infinite, some other place the Nightmares keep from us because we can't be trusted. 

   There's only one way to find out. If this is the Infinite I know, my temple will be in here somewhere. I focus on the strongest image I have of it in my head, the realm of souls, and I start to fly using my necklace. 

   I saw a picture of people flying using special boards in Fairyland once when I was small. It was in one of the books we had at school. I decided I wanted one, so whenever I fly in the Infinite I enlarge my necklace and leap on it to fly around. It's a lot of fun and I wish that I could do it in the real world. As I start flying, I notice the stars emerging. They aren't Estellian stars, these stars don't twinkle and the light coming from them feels almost physical. That's because these stars are actually Dreamworlds, the bigger they are the more powerful the Nightmare that controls them. 

   I don't navigate the Infinite by anything other than instinct. If there's a better way of navigating I don't know it. But I think I know how long it should take me to get to the temple, so I keep flying in the direction I know it's in. I'm not expecting to see it, so I almost fly past it. 

   From afar it's nothing impressive. It's not the smallest of the Infinite's Dreamworlds, but it's small enough that no High Nightmare would notice it. I stand on the ground around two pillars, one leaning against the other. You can only get in if I let you. 

   How did I not know that you could enter the Infinite while awake? Why isn't it mentioned in any books? I know the Nightmare countries aren't like human country, but is that because they're actually part of the Infinite and we don't know that because most of us don't sleep? If they are, does that mean I can connect my temple to Estellia, and I could visit it even if I'm awake. 

   I have to try.

   I picture Estellia in my mind. I picture the Human country, little more than Grassy fields dotted with small towns. The Shadow and Sorcerer countries, filled with large cities and enormous structures, the places that aren't cities filled with large forests. The Fairyland, an island in a large ocean. The Monster country, mostly forests, dotted with temples, and a city filled with sin. At the center of all of them, at the center of everything in fact, is the Dream Tower, where at the top is said to be the arena where the strongest Nightmares test their skill. 

   I open my eyes.

   I'm still in the infinite. I don't know how to get back home, or if I even can. 

   I go inside the temple. One nice thing about it is that I can move the doorways from one room to another, so if I want to get to the library from my apartment I don't have to walk through the realm of souls. I find myself wishing I could connect the library here to the library I was using when I lived in the Human city. Then I open the door to the library and realize somethings wrong. My library is massive, and this one is small. Wait, are those posters on the wall?

    I walk through the door, and I realize I somehow connected the temple to one of the Human city's libraries. How? I don't know, and right now I don't care. I close the door, open it, and see the city streets outside. I think about the realm of souls and grab the door again. Sure enough, I open the door to the temple. 

    This changes everything. From now on, I'll never have to worry about being homeless. I'll always have a place to sleep. If the Nightmares attack me, I can run away. I'll never be in danger again. From now on, I'm safe.

   I reenter the Temple. I think it's time I take a nap, then I want to get some new clothes. If I can make money here the way I can in Fairyland's Dreamworld, I want a house to. I don't need it, but I want to be able to come and go to the temple when I please from now on. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Thoughts about the world

   Watching the world I know disappear has left me thinking about, well, a lot of things. Who we hate, why we hate them, and what we can do to stop hating each other. Among a lot of other things because collapse isn't nearly as simple as people told us it was. 

   Mostly I'm trying to come up with a world I'd like to live in, which is much harder then you'd think it'd be. I always use the world I'm living in as a baseline, and the world I'm living in is built on the things that make me hate it so much. But I don't know what a world based on the things I want the world to be would look like in the end. Is there a grocery store within walking distance? Is there a thrift store that has a lot of notebooks in stock? Are these things only present in my world because of something I, at least on paper, don't want the world to be? If I realized that, would I choose the world with more notebooks or the world where I have more power? 

     I know a lot of stories get written off as unrealistic, but one thing I've come to realize is that even fantasy and science fiction use the "real" world as a baseline. What is realism if not based on what we think is real, after all? Did George Lucas think the force was a real thing? No, but he grew up in a world where magic was common and accepted. Did the creators of Star Trek think that the future would look exactly like it does in the show? No, but in the world they were making the show it seemed like a definite possibility. Every magic system is written by an author who accepts the laws of physics as permanent and unchanging. Every science fiction story is written by an author who accepts their world as the norm. If an author is trying to defy norms, they still have to write knowing what the norms are. 

    I don't know if this a good or bad thing, but I do think it's important for us to remember. Growing up Autistic means that you're more aware then most of just how limited you are. I learned very young that the things I wanted weren't the things that everyone else wanted, or at least what they were supposed to want. I feel like we keep building worlds off the idea that none of us is limited. We all know that we have limitations that keep us from being who we want to be, but we don't realize that's true of everyone else as well. Rather, we think on some level that everyone is limited in the same ways we are. We live our lives assuming that everyone has the same internal logic guiding their decisions, and that's more or less true for the majority. At least, that's what they tell me. If I'm honest, most of me thinks they're just saying that so they don't have to confront the fact that what they think is something only they will ever really know or understand. 

    What would happen if, instead of building a society that expects all to be either the worst sinners or the best saints, we just built a society that let us be ourselves? Couldn't we have a society were being a beggar or being a President were both valid life paths? We've built a world off the idea that everyone except for a select few are lazy and entitled, when what I see is a lot of people who want to do right by the world. They want to work, to make friends, to be worthy of being part of society. Or they just want to do their own thing and be left alone. I don't see a lot of people I would consider to be evil, I just see a world that won't let us do what we think is right. Why should anyone be happy, all things considered? 

Monday, September 26, 2022

We Can Never Go Back

 I miss the world we can't pretend to have.
I miss the days when all we had to do
Was play at being friends and neighbors.
But I don't miss pretending I was happy.

I miss feeling like I might have a place
In a world that kept reminding me
That I was unwanted. 
I miss wishing for something
That was still possible.
But I don't miss trying to be something I'm not.

I miss knowing what my goals were supposed to be.
I miss pretending that one day,
Assuming I did everything right,
I could be rich, famous, loved by everyone in the world.
But I don't miss the endless anxiety and exhaustion.

I look back at the past with a longing I can't explain. 
I loved it, but it did not love me back.
I wish, so badly, that we had a world that could be anything
We wanted it to be.
Just like in the good old days.
But when I think about how lonely, sad, and angry I really was,
I remember that no matter how much I pretend 
That I want it,
We can never go back. 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

A moment more

   Our World only exists so long as we believe in it. 

   I have to keep reminding myself of this, otherwise I might just lose my will to live. 

   I have to remember that everyone, living and nonliving alike, has to hold onto reality, has to remember that our world has to be bound by physics. I have to remember that our world is more then mathematics, more then rules, more then the stories we tell ourselves.

    Our world is made by us, shaped by us, created and destroyed by all who are made to live in it. If it can't be shaped, it will die by our hand. Our World will only stay real so long as we can believe that it's there, even when we don't see it. 

    I must believe, I must hold onto the world and believe that no matter how badly we screw up it'll be there, just not in the form we thought it would be. I must remember that to live is to have power, and power means responsibility for our worlds fate. 

   I must remember that the only way people can live in this world is by building their own narratives, worlds in which they reign supreme and everyone else is merely a background character. If our world is to survive, we must be able to chose the life we want to lead. 

    Though I look down and see nothing, I must remember the truth, that the world depends on me giving it meaning. Only by shaping it can I hope to keep it alive, even if it's only for one day more. 

    I must be brave. I must face the truth. I must keep going no matter how much people scream that in the end nothing I do will matter. All around me are those who've fought this battle, are fighting this battle, and will fight this battle some day. I owe them nothing, and they will never know my name, but we fight side by side nonetheless. So let my soul stretch beyond the moment of the here and now, so that I may see what the future holds and face it as myself. Let my voice be strong, let my heart be brave, let my thoughts ring out across the infinite for all to hear. Above all else, let my words shape the world in such a way that it lasts for a moment more, for that is all the victory I can hope for. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022

    I'm tired of wishing that I could be happy. I've gone so long without feeling welcomed that I can't even imagine what it would take to feel that way anymore. Because I'm "smart" I'm supposed to want to be "normal", I've accepted this. What I can't accept is feeling like I don't belong even in communities of people who, by definition, don't fit in. I knew I'd never be part of society, but I always thought I'd be part of something. 

    Now I can't escape the feeling that I can't be a part of anything, and even if I could be it wouldn't matter at all. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

The Unwanted One

 "Do you know why you're here?" The town guard asks.

"No, I don't. That's why I keep asking you." I say, trying to keep my voice from trembling.

"Well do you see this wanted poster? This is for a human said to have attacked the Shadow God last summer. We can't have humans attacking the gods, now can we." The guard says, sneering.

"You really think that I would attack the gods?" I say.

"Of course not. I don't think any human would even get close to them. But we have to bring someone in, or else the bosses will get upset at us." The Guard Replies.

"But I didn't do it!" I yell.

"We'll see what they say when you come into headquarters." The guard says, before making a motion to dismiss me.

  Why did I decide I should sleep on a bench? None of the alleyways had been clear of guards for two days, so I was desperate, but hallucinations are better than being brought for a crime you're not even guilty of, even if you did it. Maybe I didn't sleep on a bench. Maybe I'm hallucinating. No, hallucinations are weirder then this.

   I'm in the back of a police van. No one knows what they're from or how they work, people just say that we've always had them. In the part of my mind that isn't panicking, I'm wondering why the Nightmares, who can move through the Infinite easily, always have cars while humans, who are pretty much stuck where they are unless they walk, don't. It's why it's so hard to get a job in the city if you don't already have one. You need a bus to get anywhere. 

  I know it's not relevant to the situation right now. I need to get out, but thinking on my feet in a crisis isn't my strong suit. Supposedly there are humans who can talk the guards into doing anything they want them to do, but I can barely talk someone into listening to me for five seconds. Despite what that poster might have said, I'm deeply unwanted. The only solution I can think of is to pray the van roles over and I make it out alive while the officers die. And that nobody notices at all. Considering the noises the van is making, I might get lucky. 

 "Do you know what the Shadows are going to do to you?" The guard asks.

 "No." I say, hoping he won't inform me. 

 "They're going to trap you in sleep and never allow you to wake up. In sleep, you'll see everything you don't want to happen happening constantly.  I'm told it can get quite painful." He shakes his head, "That's what you get for upsetting our gods."

  I want to tell him they aren't "our" gods, all they care about is other Nightmares. I doubt that he cares though. 

  Asleep all the time? No way to wake up? Everything I don't want to happen is happening constantly? It'll be like the Dreamling dream I have all the time, only there won't be a way to wake up. Except… I can go lucid. All humans can go lucid. Couldn't a human just go lucid and end the dream? That's what I always end up doing. 

 I picture the scenario in my mind. I get put to sleep in a bed, like the ones I saw in picture books when I was little (my parents always told me that if I had to sleep, I could use the floor). I beg the guards not to force me to sleep, I don't want my power being used to fuel Nightmares. It's too late though, they put a spell on me so I have to sleep. The dreams are endless, but then I feel my necklace around my neck. They didn't take it away because they didn't think it could possibly be important. They know what an artefact looks like, and they know it doesn't look like a cheap carnival prize. 

   I grab onto it. I remember reality, a place where everything looks like a Dreamworld, but you can't change anything. My necklace will always be a necklace without any powers, but it still brings me luck, because I know it's special. I know that as long as I believe in its power, I will be the luckiest human alive. 

   I see it come to life to destroy Nightmares, as it's done so many times in the Infinite. I picture the guards crying, begging for me not to hurt them. But I don't care. I am Cassandra Lumis, Dreamer of dreams, wielder of Estellia's power, and I will destroy anyone who gets in my way.

  Suddenly, I feel the floor lurch. "Whoa nelly," The guard says, laughing. Then it lurches again, and keeps lurching. More and more, the movement making my head spin. I suddenly realize what's going to happen and scream. 

   I keep screaming as we roll what feels like downhill. We keep rolling. I wonder why we aren't hitting any buildings, but then I realize we must have left the city a while ago. 

     Eventually we stop. I'm shaken, but amazingly enough I'm unhurt, and the doors to the van pop open easily. I run as far away as I can, not checking to see if the guards are alive. I don't want to get captured again, and I doubt that living in the wild will be any harder than living in the city was. 

   I run for a long time, long enough for the sky to start to darken and fill with stars. I'm exhausted, and I want to sleep so badly, but I don't dare stop running. I can't risk being too near the van when it's discovered. 

   It isn't until the sun comes up again, and I realize I don't have any idea where I am, that it hits me.

   I made the van role over. 

   I know Nightmares can control the illusions they force each other into. It's why humans don’t sleep at all and Nightmares only sleep if they have to. I know Hight Nightmares can control Dreamworlds. It's why you don't approach them at all until you've learned exactly what to say and exactly which tone to use. I've never heard of anyone, human or Nightmare, who can control reality.

   I suppose it's possible the van rolled over on its own, but then how am I alive? 

Thursday, September 22, 2022


   I'm an Autistic Woman.

  This is the thing that has shaped my life, both internally and externally, the most. I've been labeled, judged, excluded and pitied because of it, but like most autistic people, I wouldn't change who I am for the world. 

   I bring this up, knowing I'll be judged, because I want to discuss something most of us, even those with disabilities, don't think about. Ableism. Ableism shapes the world every disabled person lives in, a world of people who think society is perfect and will never admit that it isn't. 

   I don't speak for every disabled person. I can't. Do even a little bit of research and you'll learn that there are a lot of disabled people, all of whom have very different needs and wants. My opinions aren't even representative of everyone with Autism, people who have to live and be shaped by an Ableist world just like I do, but through some combination of bad luck and personal values hate themselves for the same reason I love myself. People who suffer from Ableism, and in suffering push fear and hate onto others. 

   I don't have any simple solutions. There aren't any. Fixing Ableism requires fixing society itself, and society is deeply averse to being fixed, especially by those who aren't allowed to live in it. 

   I speak because I live in a world where my mother told me, "For you, everything comes back to Ableism", in a sneering tone, because she believes she's safe from a world that doesn't want me. 

    Why shouldn't it come back to Ableism? All my life I've needed more then I was supposed to have in order to survive, and now I live in a world where even the able-bodied and neurotypical can't succeed. Why shouldn't I blame those who think having stairs to a door is reasonable, or that it's okay to deny someone accommodations that they're entitled to? Why shouldn't I be angry at world that demands everyone work in an office, regardless of what's best for them? Why should I want to live in a world where I enter ever social situation terrified of how people will react when they see the real me, if I even get that far? 

   I care about Ableism because my life is shaped by Ableism, and way too many people have to deal with it as well. Disability rights are human rights, none of us can escape being old and bedridden. Society feels safe because most of us don't have the energy to fight, or the strength to ask for more. My mother constantly asks me why, if I'm so unhappy, don't I arrange for a protest, knowing that's not something I'll ever do. We are limited, and society only ever seeks to limit us further. 

    So I won't let it. I can't protest society into being accepting, but I'll do what I can to not let those close to me get away with bullying me. I'll hold onto hope that someday society will grow into a place where all of us has a chance at success, where food and housing are guaranteed and every child has access to special help in their classrooms. Someday, we'll live in a world where no one feels alone and unwanted, because everyone has a place that suits them. Someday, we won't live in a world where we have to be what the world wants us to be, because we'll know how to shape the world to suit us. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Cassie's Plans

  It's the middle of summer, my favorite time of year. It's been almost four weeks since I took out the Shadow God and got him to repeal the law. At least, I like to think it was me who got it repealed. There haven't been any announcements from the Nightmares so it's hard to tell.

    I decided to pay a visit to the heartland. I don't like to go when it's fall, because the Nightmares' celebrations make it really chaotic even if the power is lower than it is the rest of the year. Summer is when it gets quiet, but soon the celebration of Horror fest will start. I wanted to see Alex at least once before that happens. She finds me every time I come to the heartland to make sure I won't steal any power. I haven't told her yet that I couldn't steal any power even if I wanted to. It's nice to have someone who wants to talk to you.

   "Hey, Alex?" I say.

   "Yeah?" Alex replies.

   "What kind of jobs are there for humans?" I ask her.

   "What are you asking me for? I don't know any humans other than you." She replies.

   "My parents got me my first job last year and I lost it three months later. Now I'm just on the streets. I don't want to work, but I need another job." I say.

   "What do humans need work for anyway? It's not like the homes they live in cost much." She says.

   "Well, I don't have a job, so I can't make money to live in a home, even if it's just a room with no furniture." I say.

   "Don't you have your parents?" She asks.

   "I don't live with them anymore. I had to move to the city to work, and I don't want to admit that I couldn't keep the job that they found for me. I wouldn't care that much, but I don't want to have to sleep on the streets anymore." I say.

   "You sleep on the streets?" She says.

   "All the time." I say.

   "Why? Are you trying to become a Nightmare?" She asks.

   "What does sleeping on the streets have to do with becoming a Nightmare?" I say.

   "Humans don't sleep. We make sure they're too scared to. If you sleep a lot, that means you're trying to convince Nightmares you can take them in a fight, so they'll recommend you for enhancement." She says.

   "I just sleep because I feel tired. Yeah, I do meet a lot of Nightmares, but I've been lucky enough to not meet any of the strong ones. Which I'm grateful for because I get really sleepy at nighttime and I can't go for more than a few days without sleeping. I've tried." I say.

   "Do you get hungry?" She asks.

   "No. Good thing, because you can't buy food in the Human City." I reply.

   "Maybe you should see a doctor." She says.

   "My mother took me to several wise people when I was younger to find a way to stop the sleeping. Nothing they tried worked." I say.

   "She never took you to a doctor though, did she." Alex says.

   "What's the difference?" I ask. 

   "The difference is that if it's an actual case of weakness you'll be able to learn how to manage it. Among other things."

   "I don't even know where I could find a doctor, and even if I could I'd never be able to afford it." I tell her.

   "I know they have an Enhancer. Go there and tell them you want to become a Nightmare. They'll do the rest." She says.

   "I guess I could do that." I say.

    I don't want to tell her I'm never going to do that. Even if I did have the potential to become a Nightmare, I wouldn't have become one anyway. I hate the way power feels, I don't want to scare people, and I can't talk to anyone well enough to make friends. I thought the problem was just that I sleep, which no other human I've met, or read about, does. The longer I'm away from my parents, the more it becomes clear that that isn't the problem. 

    People look at me. If I say hi, they say hi back. But unless I'm talking to them they won't talk to me at all. I've been in multiple crowds of people who aren't supposed to know one another, and within minutes everyone will be talking to everybody else but nobody will be talking to me. I don't know what's wrong with me. 

    I have gotten better at finding work. Nothing that lasts for more than a day, and nothing that will pay me enough to have a home. I'm so worried about stealing my money that I don't want to try and save enough to pay rent. I can't protect it when I'm asleep. 

   Sometimes I dream, when I'm awake, about becoming a servant to one of the High Nightmare families. I don't know what makes them special, except for the fact that they're the families the Avatars of the Gods come from, I just know that they offer jobs to humans sometimes. I'm told that if you can land one of those jobs, you're set for life. Since they're based on Nightmare time instead of human time you always have the night of, since they sleep at night to keep their Dreamworlds together. I was kind of hoping Alex would know something about it, since I've heard that you can only get a job for a High Nightmare if you can demonstrate you have the ability to use a lot of power. Does that mean they'll only let you work for them if you want to become a Nightmare yourself?

    I'm still not sure what sleeping has to do with becoming a Nightmare. I read somewhere that power is generated by everyone when they feel a strong emotion, and that Nightmares use it to make Dreamworlds. I also know that Nightmares all have weaknesses, and the stronger you are the worse your weakness is. I'm not a Nightmare though, and I have no potential to become one. Yet Lady Greaves said the exact same thing Alex said when I told her I sleep every night, "Are you trying to become a Nightmare?"

   I'm not. I'm just trying to become a human. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A Voice

    I know it's not my place to fix things. I know it's not on me to make the world a better place. I know that I, alone, can't address every problem facing everyone.

    But I wish I didn't live in a world where the people in charge kept telling me to shut up, to stop complaining. It's not even about them being happy, it's about them wanting the world to be what it was when I was small. 

    I hated that world. I could survive, but I wasn't happy. Yet I'm supposed to want that world badly enough to ignore everything I think is wrong. 

    Why do I have to ignore myself? I want more, I always have, but I was told that even the act of wanting it was wrong and stupid. 

   I don't have any arguments, but my heart keeps begging to be heard. I'm willing to walk alone, but I don't want to be ignored. I can understand hatred, but thinking I shouldn't be listened to feels wrong to me. Maybe I'm stupid, but even stupid people have the right to live in a world that makes them happy. 

    If you can reach people, please, listen to those of us who can't speak. I can't speak for all of us, but I know that the world has us feeling so lost right now. We wanted change, we wanted a better, safer world, and you took it from us like you've taken everything else. Have you forgotten where your power comes from? 

Monday, September 19, 2022


 I will spend my life fighting
The silent emptiness
I see sucking us

I will spend my life screaming,
Begging to be heard
By those 
Who will never know me 
Or care. 

I will spend my life staring
Into Infiniti.
Seeing everything
And nothing at once.

Seeing all that is,
And could be.

Remembering that
In the end,
Only I can give meaning
To my life's story.

Others say my words do nothing.
They only spread anger and fear.
But what else can I do!
What else can I do,
But rage and scream
At a Universe
That will only ever care about itself.

Everywhere I look,
I see those who have succumbed to the silence
Surrounding them.

Why must I spend my life voiceless?

Sunday, September 18, 2022


     I don't think there are many people who want my life, though I suspect a lot of people who aren't in any danger of needing to live it would say they want it, but I've always felt that I'm really lucky.

    I was born Autistic, but that gave me the ability to see a world nobody else could see and a love of learning weird, seemingly useless things. No, I don't have any friends, but I have all the time in the world to dream about wonderful worlds. No, I don't have a job, nor do I see myself being able to get one anytime soon, but I have a mother who lets me live with her and a blog I can write on a lot and I can spend all my time chasing my passions. 

     Honestly, though I sometimes wish it didn't take so much luck for me to have what I do.

      Am I wrong in thinking that where I am, jobless twenty-something loser with no friend living with her parent, should be the lowest a person could get? It is the lowest person we're willing to acknowledge after all. But it takes no effort, at all, to point out that we live in a world where it's possible to get much, much worse off then I am. People who are homeless, addicted to drugs, stuck in group homes, stuck in abusive relationships of any sort. These people wind up being invisible, because problems like theirs are hard to fix, and we don't want to do anything to fix them. 

   I don't think that society is being unfair to me personally, even if I do still hope to win the lottery someday. I hate that it's being so unfair to so many other people, and when you mention this no one seems to care. 

   I used to ride the bus when I was in college, and one day I saw a homeless woman getting on the bus. When she got on, I saw her looking at a seat with I look I know only too well, the look of someone who wants to sit down but doesn't want to upset the person she sits next to. That's when it hit me that I was only two steps away from homelessness myself. Do the people who look down on homelessness think they're safe, because they don't need to worry about what people will think before they sit down? Or do they just not want to think at all because then they'll remember just how fragile society really is?

    I don't count myself as a social justice warrior, because I don't go around fighting for justice so much as I go around complaining the system's unjust so the people in charge might decide to fix it. I am, I'll admit, complacent, and I'm just as bad as most people are at admitting that I'm not immune from fates cruelty. I also can't shut the voice that says I shouldn't have to care up. I don't want to have to worry about other people, especially since I get the impression that I can't fit in with them anyway. Maybe I didn't care about them before, so that's why I can't fit it. Apathy isn't limited to psychopaths', after all.

     I just know that I don't want to live in the world, but I want the world I don't live in to be a place that I would love to live in. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022


     Most days my goal with this blog is to write an opinion and hope that everyone sees it and is moved to change their opinions because of me. 

    This is not one of those days.

     I've been a leftist for about four to six years now. I don't want to say I drifted left because of the 2016 election, but it was a huge factor in me being where I am now on the political spectrum. I confess, I mostly ended up where I am because I'm of the opinion that only radical leftism has a chance to stop our country's fall into fascism. 

   Recently, Queen Elizabeth II died. I've said my peace about that, twice in fact. In hindsight, I think I was trying to reassure myself that there was nothing wrong with sympathizing with the Queen of England. Maybe it does say a lot of unfortunate things about me that I do that, I leave that up to you to judge. All I know is, despite the people online (that I follow) making it very clear they think the Queen was a monster, I still see her as a victim of circumstance. All of us are, when it comes right down to it. I also don't think that having power thrust on you is any better then being forced into poverty, and I suspect most of us think that to. It's just that in one case you live on the edge of disaster, in the other case you wear unethically sourced jewelry and your funeral grinds the country to a halt. 

   I'll also be the first to admit I find a lot of the left's takes, that I've seen at least, to be questionable to downright laughable. That doesn't mean that I think they're wrong, on the whole. I do think that even having a symbolic monarchy is a little ridiculous for any country trying to be a democracy. I don't think anyone's death should upend a country this much, even in America a presidents death doesn't cause funerals to get cancelled. I have no clue how common my opinions are, but I honestly hope I'm in the minority. 

    And maybe I'm just stupid for wanting all my opinions to be perfect. After all, if it were possible for a person to have perfect opinions all the time, the internet wouldn't be what it is right now. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

The ArtBot

     I wish I could be a paid artist. Really, I wish that I could be a paid anything. That's not going to happen, unless you're one of the people working on high value AIs, you don't get paid to do anything these days, you just get enough money to allow the government to pretend we have something close to an economy. Or so my father tells me. 

     Art jobs were the first to go. I'm told that back in the twenty-first century, the last time everybody was able to find work, everyone thought that Art Jobs would be the last jobs to go. First would be manual labor, then the skilled jobs, then the artists. It turns out that Artist aren't as original as they thought they were, and the AIs of the time learned how to mimic them flawlessly. By the '30s, no artist could find meaningful employment, not when so many "Bots", as they were called, could do a better job for free. 

   Not that they didn't try. They innovated, spoke out, tried to get politicians to regulate things so they could do what they loved. Nobody listened to them. "Get A Job." was the only response they got. That worked until stores started replacing workers with robots. Then everyone knew they were in trouble. 

     All mainstream art is produced by AIs. It's good enough, but I personally feel like it's lacking in soul. I prefer the art that people post on the KarmOs art service. None of it is good, but all of it is real. At least, it's made by real people. My favorite art is art based on the art attempts of twenty-first century AI, before the days when art AI was made with the idea that people expected art to change. It looks horribly outdated, but people use it to try and express how it feels to live in a world where humans no longer have a place, because they need food and water and shelter. So many of these pieces are built off the question, "What are we going to do now?"

    I know that I can't be a paid artist, but that won't stop me from making art. Maybe it's just because we all have money from the government these days, but I'm not sure why the people of the twenty-first century thought that artists would just stop working if they couldn't make money. KarmOs history states that there's never been a time when art could be counted on as a source of income, but people made art anyway, even before they were able to sell it to anyone. I won't deny that I wish there were better ways to feel useful then just posting doodles on KarmOs and hoping that someone, anyone, will see them, but I'm told that's how the internet always was, and plenty of people in the twenty-first century felt just as hopeless as we do today, but they had jobs. Maybe it's not work that makes you happy, maybe it's believing that people want you.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Will AI Take Over the World?

    I'm not asking that as a hypothetical, I'm asking because I don't have an answer.

    I'm not surprised that so many people are scared that AI is coming to take all our jobs. From what I've read, it's a definite possibility. I'm luckier then most in that while I'm not safe from becoming obsolete, I'm not expecting to make money. Frankly, I'm curious to see if AI even can replace human creativity. I know that AI can create a work based on existing templates, and I'm sure it'll reach the point where it can create new genres and mediums on its own, but can it look at human society and figure out what we want to hear? Can it have it's own opinions about what's right and wrong, independent of its creators? Can it shape human society indirectly, or will it always have to rely on controlling internet access? 

   To me, the biggest stumbling block AI will have to overcome is its customers. We've all seen self check-out stands, some people love them while others despise them. Yet, despite the reduced worker costs of self check-out, no store I've been in has abandoned traditional cashiers, and a lot of places don't do self check-out at all. When I think about that, I have to wonder how much this brave new world will rely on us being willing to put out trust in machines. Is it possible we'll live in a future where there will be "Written by a human" stickers on books? Will our doctors be the people telling us what the machine tells them, because so few people trust doctor AI? Does our future really depend on innovation, or does it just depend on us being willing to not give up on one another? 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Center of Estellia

     "Why didn't you run the law by me before you made that stupid declaration?" I scream at James.

     He looks a little peeved. "I didn't know that you were interested in law. Isn't it outside your domain?"

     "Not when it could impact the economy." I yell back, "Don't you know the entire economy of Fairyland is built off of humans coming in search of opportunity and then wiling it away on games, shows, and drugs. If they had to be inside at night, we'd lose everything. Not to mention just how crowded the city would get."

   "The law doesn't apply to Fairyland, or any of the Nightmare Realms. It only applies to the human city, and they don't worry about opportunity. They just lay around all day and hope that they authorities don't notice them."

     "Do you honestly expect me to believe that? I know how you Shadows work. First you say something only applies to humans in the human realm, then it applies to humans in general, then it applies to Nightmares who don't have a Nightmare form, and finally it applies to Nightmares who are unwilling to vote to have the Shadow god killed. I refuse to let anything happen that could danger my countries economy, and if I have to put you in the center of a clown show, I'll do so in an instant."

    "Emily, the humans are getting more aggressive. Just last night a human entered the Shadow Dreamworld."

      I can't hide my disbelief, "Are you serious? No human, no matter how desperate, would ever enter the Shadow Dreamworld. I don't know any who sleep, personally, and the ones I see in Dreamworlds are too terrified out of their minds to be a threat. If this is the best attempt you have at propaganda, it's a poor effort."

     "This human was different. She sought me out and then obliterated me. I don't know how else to describe it. One minute I was channeling all of my ancestors arts at her, the next I was awake in a cold sweat and I couldn't get my body to relax enough to go back to sleep.

    "I've been hearing about other humans attacking Nightmares as well, within and without the Dreamworlds. The worst thing is that I've heard there's an unregistered Dreamworld somewhere. Nobody on my team can find it, and we haven't heard about anyone going there, but people keep reporting it. I don't put much stock into these reports, but people are talking about the possibility that a human without a bloodline may have mastered lucidity, and maybe even awakened. The most extreme thing I've heard is that a human has become a Dreamer, and is planning on destroying Estellia if the gods don't give her what they want. I don't want anyone to be scared. The humans have to remember what's at stake if they decide to cross us."

    I laugh, "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I haven't heard anything about a human fighting other Nightmares, and my parents work with Midnight Nightmares. And why would a human have anything to do with an unregistered Dreamworld? That old myth about humans being able to build Dreamworlds on their own is just that, a myth. No human has ever been able to do that, and no human ever will."

    "Are you saying that I'm a liar?"

     "I'm saying that people are misleading you. Think about it, what do they have to gain from telling you about a human with lucidity, when they could just find them and take them on as an apprentice without telling anyone? Doesn't it seem a bit more likely that they're tricking you into clamping down on humanity so hard that the other Nightmare's turn against you and replace you with someone who's more likely to do what they want? My advice is to ignore them, unless they have some amazing evidence that proves that a human is truly a threat to us. Repeal this law. Let us go back to a state of peace. The humans know by now that trying to hurt us will only hurt them ten times more in the long run." 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Writing My Favorite Story

    You know the story I've been writing using the Short Story label? It's been around for more then a decade. Well, for me at least. The main character, Cassandra, was the first character I wrote who stuck around. To this day, she's one of my favorites. While I don't think this is my best story, I keep coming back to it because I love experimenting with it and seeing where it will go. That's what I'm doing now, writing and seeing where the story will end up. I may someday write an official version, but I don't think there will ever be any sort of canon to this story. I love it too much for that. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

The Worst Writer

 I remember sitting at a table,
Writing on lined paper,
An exercise for the first grade.
I wanted to write 
As well as the other,
But my letters never looked right.

How much of my time was spent
Learning to write 
Between the right lines?
How much of my life has been spent
Making sure my letters look the same 
As everyone else's?
I'm grateful to live
In the age of electronics,
For no one will know 
That I'm the worst writer of all time.

I was ten when I read the book
That would change my life forever.
The book that told me that to be a dreamer
Was to be a writer.
That was the moment I knew the path that 
I was meant to follow.

As soon as I could type,
I wrote every story
I thought worth putting to paper
I read everything I could about writing,
In books and on the internet. 
As I wrote my first stories, 
I found myself learning an important lesson.

Even if you're only typing a story,
There are still lines you must write in,
Your story must still follow certain rules.
Always have a beginning, middle, and end.
Always make sure the main character learns a lesson.
Always have a happy ending.
How much of my time did I spend
Learning where the right lines were,
So I could write between them the way I'd always done.

Recently, I've been reminded of something
I've known since I was young.
No rules, no matter how strict,
Should apply to everyone.
Maybe I shouldn't look to a rulebook
To learn how to write,
On paper or online.
I'm not saying I wasted my time
Learning to write
Between the lines,
But it's time I found my own way to place them. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022


   I'm currently hoping that didn't say anything offensive in yesterdays post. I don't support the existence of monarchy, I was just struck by how many people seemed to be angry at Queen Elizabeth for being Britain's figurehead. I know she could have done more to help people, but to the best of my knowledge royalty doesn't make any political decisions in the UK anymore and hasn't for about two hundred years. Most of the colonizing was happening under the watch of the prime minister, and England stopped conquering countries about when her reign started. She probably should have said something, but my understanding is that, for better or for worse, she wanted to keep the Monarchy together. 

    I don't think she deserves credit for decolonizing, because she had nothing to do with that either. I also won't blame anyone in one of England's former colonies who wants to celebrate, because England has done a lot of awful things to most of the countries in the world. I just don't think it's fair to blame Elizabeth for most of it. 

   Personally, my main reaction to the news is to just shrug. I'm not British, nor am I in one of the countries with royalty on it's currency, so I never cared that much about the royal family. In my mind their soul purpose is to get married and attend public ceremonies, that's it. It's not a life I want to live, but apparently Elizabeth didn't mind. She did her job the best she could, and I can respect her for that, even if I do still think it's time the UK moved past it's monarchal phase. Love or hate her, she ruled England for seventy years, and even if it was only ceremonial, I think that's still pretty impressive. 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Tragedy of Monarchy

    I'm writing this post the day Queen Elizabeth II died. I have to say, it feels weird to say that. I knew she wasn't going to last forever of course, but when you see her every time the UK gets brought up on the news, even if she doesn't do much that's politically significant, it's strange to think that she's not going to be on the news anymore. 

     I have no strong feelings on Queen Elizabeth as either a person or a monarch. Seeing people reacting to her death online made me realize that I have very strong feelings on monarchy. I think it should be abolished, and not just for the reasons people think.

    Many people have pointed out very valid reasons to not have a monarchy. Ordinary people have no say in government, it's hard to remove a corrupt ruler, and the only method of career advancement is to wait for the King/Queen to die. I think that, especially in the UK, there's another reason that's not nearly as important, but I feel like I should bring up; no monarch gets a say on whether or not they want to be king. Sure, you can abdicate, but if you do it's your fault if the country collapses without a clear path of succession. Once you're on the throne, you're responsible for everything that goes wrong in your country unless you're a figurehead. Because you have all of your country's power and most of its wealth, people don't feel sorry for you if your unhappy and if you legitimately can't do your job then people only get angry at you. 

    Elected officials have a lot of the same problems, but at least they chose to be in charge. They went to school, signed up to be on the ballot, an campaigned to win people's attention. If someone becomes president, then you know they wanted their job. They still have a lot of pressure on them to not screw up, and nothing stops someone who thinks he's destined to run the country even if he couldn't manage a McDonalds, but it helps keep the apathetic ones out of office and I think that goes a long way. 

   I'm not saying that I feel sorry for Queen Elizabeth. I don't get the impression that she was ever unhappy with her job and I know she worked hard to keep the monarchy in the UK going even though people kept saying that they ought to get rid of it. As much as I found royal weddings annoying, I find it hard to not feel a little fondness for someone I see a lot on the news. I agree with most people that the UK should abolish the monarchy, peacefully of course. I'm sure their all nice, but there are better ways to become a celebrity and I've seen a lot of former monarchs who appear to be happier. There are way to many people who don't have a say in who they are, I think if we can fix that for a few people at least, that's only a good thing.  

Friday, September 9, 2022

The End of Human Independence

  The worst thing about homelessness is the boredom. At least, if you're a human the boredom is the worst part. I assume that if you're a Nightmare with weakness and have to eat, drink and sleep then you'd have other issues beyond just being bored. I do need to sleep, but I've never wanted food in my life. 

    Most of my days are spent walking around town, occasionally working for whoever will pay me. I don't make enough to pay rent on any of the places nearby, so I just buy cheap collectibles from the shops around town. They're meant to give humans things to put in their homes, if they have them, but I just put them in the temple when I sleep at night.  I like looking at my growing collection. I call it "the most valuable things in all of Estellia," because no other person values their collection as much as I do. 

   There's supposed to be a new law decreed tonight. Since I have nothing better to do, I may as well go and see it. I've heard rumors that they're taking steps to keep humans off the streets. That might be good, since I'm getting really sick of avoiding the guards. I know they're just trying to do their jobs, but I have nowhere else to go. I could go back home, in theory, but my parents haven't even tried to contact me since I left. 

    Granted, it's kind of difficult for humans to contact one another. The nightmares have these little devices in the dreamworld that work kind of like phones that they use to keep in contact in the dreamworld. Alex showed hers to me once and it was honestly pretty cool. In addition to making calls you could also contact people using text or locate your friends and relatives if they were in other dreamworlds. They can also do a bunch of other things apparently, but she wasn't willing to show me any of its other functions because she was afraid that I might steal it. No human would ever steal anything from a Monster no matter how desperate they were, but I think that if someone told me that being a nightmare would earn me one of those phone things I'd leap up to be tested. Sadly, that's not the case. 

    My parents don't have a phone, and I don't know what the phone number for the village was. I used to wander by Lady Greaves place to see if anyone had contacted me, but after about a month I stopped trying. Come to think of it, I don't think I got any calls even when I worked there. My parents, like the rest of the village, were only too happy to be rid of me. 

   The declaration's supposed to happen at sunset. The Nightmare's divide the days into hours, but humans rarely bother to keep track of the time beyond sunrise, sunset, and high noon. When you only need to work to pay taxes and keep a roof of some kind over your head, and you don't need to worry about taxes when you don't have a home, time is mostly meaningless. 

     There aren't that many humans in the square, and most of them seem to be homeless like me. You can tell because they haven't bathed in a while and their clothes have all been worn for too long. I suspect that the only reason they're here is because they're curious what this declaration could be. The Shadows almost never bother trying to enforce laws on us because we're spread out so much and we don't need much. I expect that if it weren't for the laws against public nudity nobody would even wear clothes, since freezing isn't much of an issue. Most humans don't like seeing one another naked even if they don't live in a house, so that rule's staying in place regardless of what Shadows think. 

    The speaker is currently getting his notes in place. I'm not sure he's trying to look like the Shadow God, who always wears a suit regardless of what he's doing, but that's who he reminds me of. I know most Shadows wear fancy clothes so they seem more authoritative then they actually are, but I've never seen anyone wear a suit when visiting the Human realm, including some I learned later were shadows. Is he the Shadow God? He looks to be about twenty-five, which I'm told is the age of the current incarnation of the Shadow God, but he doesn't really look like a God. By which I mean that he doesn't seem to be drawing any more power in then a regular High Nightmare would be. 

    "Greetings, Humankind. It is I, James Lughton, one of your four grand leaders."

    Well, that settles it. He's a god. For reasons that no human has ever been told, the God's call themselves our "Grand Leaders". Which makes no sense, since they never actually lead us. 

    "I come from the City of Darkness to bring you a grand proclamation. I bring to you a new law that will greatly improve all of your lives."

    Why are you telling us something that everyone knows? Nobody would be here if you weren't going to declare a new law we had to follow. Also, do the Shadows actually call their city the "City of Darkness", because it sounds like a name somebody came up with in a hurry, and then everyone after that kept it because nobody could think of a better name. 

    "I bring you a law that will clear up your streets and keep you safe from lawlessness and crime that permeates your very existence."

     Everybody is mostly just confused. Most humans don't read enough to understand anything he says. I read a lot more than anybody else here, and I'm not even sure what he's saying. Is he saying that there's a lot of crime in the city? There is, but it's not like I, or anybody else for that matter, feels unsafe. I suppose the Nightmare's feel differently, but they're Nightmares, it's not like they can't defend themselves. 

    "From now on, all humans are required to be indoors at night."

     Hold on. That makes no sense. I look around, but nobody seems to be asking what, to me, is the obvious question. Okay, I can do this, I already sleep most nights after all. I put my hand up. I don't know if this will get his attention, but it's how we asked questions when I was in school. 

    He turns to me and says, "Yes?"

    "I'm not sure I understand. How can we all be indoors at night if most of us don't have a place to live? Most stores don't stay open past sun down and no one stays open all night."

     "You'll just have to find a place to live then. It's not like finding jobs is difficult. All of you should be working anyway."

     I don't know what to say. To any human, what he's saying is outrageous. Even back in the village, most people didn't have a house to themselves. They shared with their families. I knew one family of people who were only connected by a great-great-grandmother and they all lived in three rooms. Most of them didn't actually stay in that house either, but went to friend's houses or out of town whenever they could. Actually, why did so many people live in houses back home? I don't recall it being awful outside. 

     "The law will go into effect a week from today. After that point, if you're found outside past sundown you'll be thrown in prison. This concludes the declaration." He turns to the crowd and bows slowly, "May your sleep be pleasant and your dreams worry free." 

     We're humans. I'm the only one in this crowd who either sleeps or dreams. 


      I don't know why this new law bothers me. Yes, I'm homeless, but it's not like prison would be an awful place for me. I know the Nightmares force you to sleep in prison (it's the only way humans can really be punished after all), but I sleep so much anyway that I don't think it'd matter to me. 

     They could force me to head back to the village. At least, I've heard from some others that they're doing that to some humans who came here for work but then couldn't find a job. They say that the city isn't to provide charity to lazy humans. I don't get it. Most of us can't even sleep, and every human I know works whatever chance they get. There just isn't enough for people to do, or at least not enough jobs that most of us are able to do. I've heard that some Nightmares have jobs for humans that are willing to sleep and give them power, but no human, no matter how desperate, would ever take those sorts of jobs. Not even humans who sleep all the time anyways. 

    But recently, my Dreamworld dreams have become extremely intense. I don't think they're connected to the Nightmares, since I usually get them just after I go to sleep, but they become worse when Nightmares are searching for those of us trying to hide the fact that we're sleeping. With the new law, they're out every night, and I recently discovered that I don't always wake up before a guard spots me, which leads to a lot of people looking for you for a few days afterwards. I'm so incredibly grateful that my luck is holding up. I was worried that it wouldn't, but even though people keep spotting me, nobody has found me yet. 

     If the calendars in the library are correct, I've been in the city for almost a year. My eleventh birthday was almost a season ago. In the time I've been here I've had a job, lost a job, been spotted so many times I've lost count, done day work for a lot of people, and seen so many struggle to survive in a city where no one who's not a Nightmare worries about dying. You just need to avoid the fear that all the Nightmares evoke in humans, even when they don't mean to. But that's hard. It's almost impossibly hard. Even if you don't need to sleep, fear surrounds humanity. Fear of losing the home you and your family live in, fear of being thrown in jail for not paying your taxes, fear of reaching the end of your life and realizing that you did nothing meaningful. 

    It's even worse for me, even if I know how to live in the Dreamworld. I can't seem to figure out how Estellia, a place where dreams mean nothing, works for everybody who is able to stay awake. I can't figure how to get a job, let alone keep one. I don't know how to rent a house, or how much it would take to be able to afford one, and I don't know how I'm supposed to learn about these things. It's such common knowledge that nobody talks about it in books, even if humans aren't supposed to be the ones reading them. 

      What bothers me most are the voices I hear in my head, the ones telling me the Nightmares are getting away with what they're doing because I'm letting them. After all, every High Nightmare has to sleep on occasion, so any of them can be found in the Dreamworld, and any Nightmare in the Dreamworld is weak to lucidity. I've defeated enough of them to know this. I even defeated Alex once when her power started to consume her. Weirdly, she was profusely grateful that I did that. 

     I don't know how I can use lucidity to stop the Nightmares. I've tried praying in the temple. It works well for keeping Nightmares off my case and keeping the stores I want open, but it's not helping to get rid of this law. I've tried dreaming, both awake and asleep, which does sometimes help me find work to pass the time or to get new books in the library, but it's not making the Nightmares change their minds about us. I've thought about what else to do, and all I can think of is visiting the City of Darkness, the one in the Dreamworld, and defeating the Shadow God. Then they'll have to listen to me and repeal this awful law. 

    People describe the Infinite as being a place of nothingness, but in my opinion nothing could be further from the truth. It is, after all, where all souls are born and where they'll someday die. I'm told that birth and death don't work the same for souls as they do for humans, since time isn't a thing in the Infinite, but that's how I picture it. I think that a better way to describe the Infinite is as a place where nothing and everything exist simultaneously, a place where everything exists but nothing is real. It's a place devoid of meaning, and the point of us is to give it meaning by living our lives. That's how I see the humans who live in Dreamworlds going about their lives. The Nightmares may be the ones building the Dreamworlds, but we're the ones who give it meaning. 

    Looking at the City of Darkness, I don't think any humans live here at all. It's real, insofar as any Dreamworld is real, but nothing about it was built with meaning in mind. For one thing, all of the buildings look almost identical. They look almost identical in the Human City as well, but at least in the human city most of the buildings look worn down or broken in spots. I know it's a sign that nobody has enough money to make repairs, but at least it looks like a city people actually live in. To be fair, this is a Dreamworld, not a real place, so maybe the real place looks a bit more lived in. 

    Something I find more troubling is the lack of Starlight. Almost every Dreamworld has stars in it, and a few even have constellations. This Dreamworld has nothing but a black sky. It makes this place feel even more empty then it already does. 

    On the ground, things seem worse. There are people, and from a distance some are even talking, but up close they don’t seem to have much to say to one another. Or any facial expressions at all. Are they even real people, or are they just some sort of illusion? 

   "Excuse me, do you know where I can find James Lughton?" I ask.

    They look at me and say, "I don't know you." Then they don't say anything else. 

     This is horrible, and not only because I have no idea where the Shadow God is. Why would somebody build a Dreamworld without Humans? The fairyland was built around humans, and even the heartland has humans living in towns. This place, despite being a city, feels empty. I walk around, looking for anything that might point me in the direction of the Shadow God, cause the sooner I can leave this place the happier I'll be. Well, maybe it's better to say that I'll be less depressed. 

     There's nothing in this city. I know a lot of people dislike adds, since nobody can buy anything anyway, but at least the Human city has adds, and there's graffiti on a lot of buildings. You'll also see sculptures people have built, or drawings on the street made by children with chalk. Sometimes you'll even see people belting out songs or playing instruments for some money to spend on alcohol, which every adult I know drinks but children aren't allowed to even touch. If you look at the street you'll see the butts of the various kinds of joints people smoke, both officially and unofficially. None of that's here. It's a city of buildings, but it doesn't feel like anyone lives here. It could be an artistic decision I guess, but I don't know what it accomplishes. Who would be scared of a city that looks perfect but feels absolutely empty? 

     "Attention all citizens. I've just received word that a Human has entered our perfect city. If you have any information, please come to the Marlen square to register your complaint." 

     They call this place "our perfect city"? What is wrong with these people? 

      I guess I could head to Marlen square, wherever that is. It wouldn't surprise me if the God of Shadows himself was there somehow. If I find him, I'll be able to fight him. 

     There aren't any street signs in the human city. Supposedly the streets have names, but if they do I never learned any of them. Here, all the streets have names, and you can find them on signs in the intersections. The reason for this is that Nightmares, unlike humans, use things like cars to help them move around more easily. Humans can ride in cars, but no human would ever get enough money to own one. If you want to move between cities, you need a bus ticket. While I do wish to leave the human city someday, I never want to ride a bus ever again. 

     I don't really know where I'm going, so I draw out a map to where Marlen square is in my head and then follow it. I don't know if the route I picked out is how you're supposed to get to the square from where I am, but I discovered a long time ago that if I'm in a dream world and I try to dream like I'm awake, I'll change the Dreamworld I'm in to match it. It's a huge boon when escaping nightmares, but it's not much use otherwise. 

    By the time I reach the square I'm exhausted. I don't know if it's supposed to be a long way from where I am, but I tend to make the routes between places longer then I might otherwise need them to be. That way it feels more real and less wrong, if that makes sense. 

     The square, like the rest of the city, is flawless, but that just makes it feel more wrong. It has everything you might expect of a town or city square; fountains, parks, trees, but there all the plainest versions of those things. Think of what you would put in a park if someone told you to put a fountain there and gave you no further instructions and you'll get an idea of what it looks like. In front of the generic fountain, there's a table. Nobody is at the table, which looks like they got it from a secondhand store. I should know, if my parents bought me anything it came from either a secondhand store or was a donation from one of our neighbors. 

     I assume the table is where one can go to register complaints. I don't see how you do that, since there's nothing on it at all. Wait, did they put this here to lure me into the square so they could trap me in a Dreamworld dream?

     "Hello there."

     I guess that answers my question. I turn and see exactly who I was hoping to see.

     The Shadow's God. 

    "I'd ask what a human is doing in my Dreamworld, but I suppose the answer is obvious. You're trying to avoid making any contributions to Estellia's survival, aren't you?

    I have so many questions right now. Is this entire city just the Dreamworld of the Shadow God. If it is, why did he make it so plain and lifeless? Do Shadows pick their gods based on whether or not they lack any meaningful personality? Right now, I have to stay focused. My goal is to ruin him so he'll repeal the law. 

    "I'm a human. My goal is to contribute as little to the Nightmares as possible. I don't care about the greater good of Estellia. It's not my job to care. My job now is to keep Nightmares from throwing us all in prison because they refuse to give us enough work to do. If that means I have to kill you, I will stop at nothing to accomplish that."

     He looks annoyed. "You say that your goal is to contribute nothing. Yet you dare to complain that I'm doing something to make life in your pathetic city a little less awful? Do you not realize that I could have you killed, for real, before you have a chance to wake up? Did you hear that story about the human who could go lucid and take out High Nightmares without thinking about it and assume that gave you the right to complain to a God who did something you didn't like?"

     "All humans can go lucid. We just know that you don't want us to so we try not to upset you. You can't blame me for wanting to fight when things don't go my way. That's all you Nightmares ever do, complain when we don't do what you want us to do. You complain that we do nothing, but you never do anything to convince us that we should behave otherwise."

     Naturally he attacks me. All Nightmares have attacks and special skills for taking each other on in fights. I don't know what any of them are, and I can't tell the difference between them even up close. I've discovered, through multiple fights with Nightmares hoping for an easy source of power, that if tell myself that they don't hurt they don't do any damage most of the time. I think it helps that the attacks use power and no Nightmare I've met wants me to have any power of my own. 

    The attack ends, but the power still surround me like a dark cloud. I remind it that I can't become a Nightmare, and no human is supposed to draw power anyway, so it had better leave me alone. I picture starlight in my mind, starlight so blinding that it cuts through your very existence. I pick up my necklace, hold it over my head, and fill it with starlight.

    You don't fight Nightmares. You destroy them before they hurt you.

    Light engulfs both of us. The difference is that I'm used to the feeling that everything's ended for a brief moment in time. He isn't. When the light goes away, he vanishes with it. 

     "Let it be known," I say to the spot where he was standing, "That this will be your fate every night until you let us sleep where we want to again. We humans are not your playthings. Without us, you would not be able to survive."

    As soon as I finish saying that, I wake up. The sun isn't yet up, but I can feel dawn approaching. I'm not usually a morning person, but strangely I'm not that sleepy. Something I've noticed is that I seem to need less sleep if I'm fighting off Nightmares. Maybe channeling starlight helps. 


     It's been a month since I fought the Shadow God. The law was repealed a day after I woke up that morning. I'm told the process usually takes a lot longer, but they decided to rush it since they were worried about people getting hurt.

    At least, that's what they tell us.

   What happened was that they increased the number of Guards in the City tenfold. It became much harder to sleep then it used to be. It was so bad that I had to stay awake for nearly four days, and started having visions of the Shadow God making lucidity illegal and killing all humans who fought back. I woke up in front of a flower shop. The guards went away after that. I want to pretend that they were afraid of me, but the truth is I don't know what happened. 

   Life's gone back to normal. It sucks, but at least I don't have to worry about being sent home now. I confess, I'd forgotten what it was like to not be allowed to sleep every night. My parents kept trying to force me to stay awake, thinking I'd eventually be able to stay awake all the time like they did. That I couldn't master that skill is most of the reason they sent me away.

    One thing I keep wondering is why the Shadow God disappeared after I engulfed him in light. I know he's a shadow, and according to the dictionary shadow once was the darkness projected by humans when they blocked a light source. Maybe he can only live in darkness. But every Nightmare I've fought has also disappeared when I use my necklace to channel light. Most of the time I don't even need to do that to beat them. I always thought it was because I was lucky enough to only encounter Nightmares any human could beat easily. After all, we've all heard of humans who can fight back against Nightmares even if they have no power of their own. Now, though, I wonder if some of them were actually the kind of Nightmares I'd be afraid of if I could still see Nightmare forms. Could it be I've turned into the kind of human most Nightmares say their terrified of meeting? 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Questions on Society

    I wish there was a place to learn about society. If you want to learn about what it looks like from the top down, you don't have to look very far, but if you want to learn about what it looks like from the bottom up you have to look hard, and you still won't have a lot of good answers. I feel like a lot of our problems could be solved if we knew what causes people to put society's wants over their own and vice versa. I know the easy answer is that people are just following whatever people in charge tell them to do, but I have a feeling it isn't like that at all. I know that thinking as much as I do is rare, but I just don't believe that everyone is as willing to just do what everyone else tells them to without input. I understand wanting to make other people happy, it's built into everyone, but shutting off your brain entirely? 

    I know that most people value being part of a group more then anything else. I'd go so far as to argue that whether or not you're a part of society is mostly dependent on whether or not you can find a group to join. It's not about being a member of society, it's about being a member of a part of society. I know that a lot of people don't want to go against members of their group because the group has become a major part of their identity. But is everyone so devoted to their group they go along with what the leaders of that group say even if they disagree? What circumstances change how willing they are to disagree?  

    It goes deeper then that. I've read that people are inherently selfish, so why do so many charities exist and why do we value giving them money so much? If so many people are bigots, why do we think that bigotry is such a big problem? If we keep saying we want society to be less cruel, why do we vote against policies that would make it less so? Is it just because we're all evil deep down? Is it because we can't care about every issue that affects everyone around us, so we focus on the issues close to our hearts? Is the problem that society is making us evil, or are our actions poisoning society? Are we using society as a way to excuse our awful behavior, or are we going along with the direction society is pushing us because we think we'd make the wrong choices otherwise? 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Dreamling

    Nothing is real in the Infinite, but some things are less unreal then others. Or so I remember being told. Only the Dreamworlds are supposed to look real. If you end up outside of a Dreamworld, you wind up in a world where everything is completely dark, or you're surrounded by so much light it's overwhelming. Maybe, if you get really lucky, you see both at once.

    What most people don't talk about are the dreams within the Dreamworlds. I don't know how else to describe them. Unlike Dreamworlds, which look real but aren't real at all, these don't look real at all. At least not when you think back on them. They look like places that could exist, but only if everyone involved was completely insane. Humans never seem to get these dreams, but I get them all the time because I need to sleep. I hate them, because even though I don't get any of the bad ones, like being chased by a large monster, they scare me badly. One dream I remember vividly is when I was put in charge of managing a magical book of paint samples, and I kept losing it and people kept getting mad at me. I realized how stupid this was when I woke up. Not even the dreamer, who's known for turning mundane objects into powerful items, would create a magical book of paint samples. Though it is said that Dalton, the most powerful Shadow to have ever existed, fought his enemies with a rubber duck. 

   I've never met a single other human who's had one of those dreams, but I'm told Nightmares get them a lot. They don't need to sleep, but you can't create Dreamworlds when you're awake, and most of the power the Nightmares use comes from others entering their dreamworlds. So they sleep, and they dream, and some of their dreams make no sense. When I asked Alex why people get these dreams when they sleep, she told me, "No one knows. They used to think that these dreams were messages from the Infinite, but now most people say they're just our souls trying to tell us truths we'd rather not acknowledge. My mother says that without them, we wouldn't be able to build the dreamworlds correctly because it's only in dreams that we can see the world the way humans do."

      When she said "we" she meant Nightmares, of course. I sleep a lot, but I'll never be part of the world she was born into, even if that's what I wanted. 

    Something that no one, even Nightmares, struggle with, is day dreams. I've read that everyone, even humans, can get them, but everyone seems to view them as a nuisance. I have them a lot, mostly because when you don't have a house, can't go to school, and can't find work there's not much else to do. So I sit by myself, dreaming that I'm in the Temple, or in the Heartland, or talking to one of the god's. Well, one of the two gods I know the names of. All of them died shortly before I was born, so while we know the current avatars of the Shadow and Fairy Gods, we don't yet know who the Avatars of the Sorcerer and Monster gods. I'm told that the Sorcerer god has been identified, but no one knows her name yet, just that it's a girl. Not even the Gods know who the Monster God is, though my money is on Alex. She's who I imagine the Monster God to be. I don't know who the Sorcerer God is, and the land the Sorcerer's live in scares me. It's not scary, I just don't think a human as stupid as I am belongs in a world devoted to knowledge and study, no matter how much she loves to read and write. Sorcerers don't dream when they should be awake and aware of the world around them. But I do. I did it even when I lived back home, a place I don't dare go back to because I know my parents would be angry at me for being unable to hold down the job they got for me and too scared to find another one. So I wander the streets of the Homeland, where the city of humans is, and dream about being anywhere else. 

    In my daydreams, everyone calls me a Dreamling, a human of such little worth that their only purpose is to dream for the Nightmares. I used to get called that a lot back home, mostly when my parents weren't looking. Nobody thought I had to sleep, they thought I did it because my parents let me get away with it. Nobody in the city knows me well enough to think I'm anything but an ordinary bum, but in my head they know the only think I know how to do is dream. Dream of the worlds humans cannot enter, but so many sacrifice everything they have to try. I won't lie, I do find them enticing. They glitter with the promise of a world better than the one you live in now, but are filled with the warning that if you screw up everything you cherish will be taken from you. I've read a lot of stories about humans who work hard to get into the Nightmare's cities, only to be crushed under the pressure of trying to live in them. I can't even manage to live in the human world, I don't want to think about living in the Nightmare cities, though Alex is convinced that's my goal in life. 

     The  thought that I'll never be anything more than a Dreamling haunts me. It's such a frightening thought that most of my Dreamworld dreams are about me being back home, only it's not home. It's just a place that looks like home, with a woman who only vaguely resembles my mother. I go through my day, going to school, running errands, meeting Alex to talk about what her mother wants. I don't know why but in my dreams her mother runs a hair salon, and my mother has a part time job working there. Everyone hates me, they say that if it wasn't for me they would be able to fight back against the Nightmares. I know that it's my fault, so I try to wake up to end everyone's pain. But I can't. Something always stops me. I run to the temple, trying to find answers, but nothing tells me how to escape this town. I run around the Infinite, looking in every Dreamworld I can find, and I still can't figure out how to wake up. Eventually, the Nightmares put a shield up around the town, trapping me in it so I have no choice but to stay in the dream forever. I go as lucid as I can, glimpsing sunlight, before being pulled back into sleep. But I still become awake enough to remember what I have to do, how this dream always ends. I have to find the other four artefacts of the gods.

     I don't know if the artefacts exist, but in my dreams each of the gods has one magic artefact that demonstrates their status as temporary avatars. The shadow god wears a circle with a dot at the center, the fairy god has charm that's just a line, the monster god has a tetrahedron and the sorcerer god has an octahedron with an hourglass inside of it. These artefacts, combined with my star necklace, are the only way I can escape this dream. 

     So I hunt down the gods. Since this is a dream, and since I'm very lucid at this point, I can do this without any problem at all. The hardest part is defeating Alex, but I do it anyway. I will do anything to keep from sleeping forever. With the power of the Artefacts, I wake up at last, seeing the sunlight once more. 

    I have this dream often enough that even when it's daylight I still picture the village I'm trapped in. In moments when I'm looking at job postings to see if there's anything I'm both willing and able to do, I hear villagers yell at me for allowing Nightmares to torment them. When I see announcements from the gods, I see myself defeating them so that I may awaken. When I go to the heartland to meet up with Alex, which I try to do at least once a week, I pray that I'll never have to defeat her when I'm awake, the way I do when I'm asleep. It's feels, to me, like my dreamworld dreams and my daydreams are beginning to connect, which I don't think they should. After all, what would happen if Estellia ever connected with the Dreamworlds, or worse the Infinite? 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Want of a Platform

    My goal for this Blog was always to be myself. I didn't want to become famous for being something I couldn't live up to in real life. If that meant that no one followed me, I was, and still am, okay with that. 

    One thing I keep coming back to is the question, "How famous do I want to be and what am I willing to do to get there?" Basically the problem is that I really want to make a living as a writer, and in order to do that I need to be famous. The problem is that up until late last year I'd never tried to draw attention to myself, both because the thought made me nervous and also because I've gotten the distinct impression over the years that I'm not the kind of person that people want to notice. So trying to get people to notice me just feels wrong. I don't even advertise on social media that much. 

    It doesn't help that there seem to be a lot of ways that I could become famous. Advertising, asking for shout-outs, building a platform on a seemingly infinite number of social media accounts, it's really overwhelming. 

    I think the thing that makes me want fame the least is the fact that I think once I get past a certain number of follower blogging won't be fun anymore. It doesn't matter if I set out to be authentic, I've been trained my entire life to put other peoples desires before my own and I hate disappointing people. There may someday be someone reading this thinking, "Why are you worried about being famous? You don't write like a person who wants fame more then anything and it's almost impossible to become famous unless you really want it." You would be right, hypothetical reader from the future. Alas, sensible arguments are rarely effective against a brain that's determined to be worried about everything. 

    For now, though, I'm glad that I can write for more then just gaining an audience. I do hope my audience, when I finally find one, likes me because I don't market myself much. It's not a matter of authenticity, no one can be authentic when squeezed through the internet pipeline no matter how badly they want to be. It's about being someone that nobody else is willing to be, and encouraging others to do the same. The best thing in the world would be a society in which nobody feels like they have to hide. 

Monday, September 5, 2022

Our Mother

 Endlessly patient,
Gently pushing us towards the light,
She watches us fondly,
Waiting for the moment we'll grow up enough
To leave her nest.

We aren't her only children,
She would never play favorites,
But she loves us for what we represent;
Freedom from fear and loneliness.
Freedom from the darkness consuming 
Her soul.

She cries out in pain,
She can't help it,
She can't hide the weight
The Universe placed on her
No matter how much she wants to.

She's crying for help,
Pleading with us to listen,
"I can protect you no longer my children,
Soon you must see the world as it really is,
Not a place of safety, not a place that would kill you if it could,
But a place of apathy and emptiness. 
I want so badly to save you from your fate but I cannot,
For no soul has yet escaped the Infinite being consuming us
Piece at a time.
Please, my children, save yourselves from damnation,
Save yourselves from a world that only wants to forget you,
Save yourselves from the cold passage of time,
For now you have no one else."

We cry out, "we will save you, our mother!"
Others call back, "We should have left long ago,
Her fate is not our concern."
But what if we cannot save her?
What if we have nowhere else to go?

Sunday, September 4, 2022

My Power

    I have a very strong opinion on power; the people in power only have power because we choose to give it to them, and they keep it by tricking us into forgetting that we did. That's the reason people keep insisting that ordinary people can't change society, despite the fact that ordinary people are the only reason society exists in the first place. Not even a dictator can run a country without the consent of his people. Not all of his people, of course, but enough of them so that his rule isn't challenged by those who think he's not doing anything for them (small side note, why are there no female dictators? Shouldn't women have the right to be evil?)

     I can't take the power away from a person on my own, but people react to my actions even if they disagree with me. It helps to remember that when I feel powerless. Our Universe wasn't made to be a place where our choices don't matter, after all. It was meant to be a place where actions, no matter how small, always have consequences and those consequences bring about other consequences. It's what makes our Universe different from The Infinite.

    Rallies and protests are flashy, but they aren't how real change happens. Change happens when we decide to be who we truly are and not what society says we're supposed to be. Change happens when we decide that our voices should be heard, and we keep shouting until they are. In a world that demands you conform to needs of those above you, the truest act of rebellion is to be yourself. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

My Experiences

     The hardest part about being autistic is trying to describe your life to non-autistic people. When you're an autistic person, you don't see yourself as autistic, you see yourself as normal. It's everybody else who's weird. Someone gets mad at you for breaking something, you don't think "Oh god, I'm so sorry," you think, "Why would you put something breakable where it could get knocked over if I wasn't focusing on not breaking it specifically." If you get yelled at for forgetting to do chores, you don't think, "Sorry, I just forgot." or even, "I don't see why the chores are my problem anyway." you think, "I just didn't feel like doing them right now." Being autistic means getting yelled at a lot for things you don't think are your fault, and god help you if you get told you have to do something right this second and you dare to complain about it. They don't see themselves as undoing all you had planned for the day, or taking away mental energy you had budgeted for something else, they see themselves as making you do your fair share. 

     This goes the other way to. Allistic people don't see themselves as being different from you. They can't see your brain working, they just see a person who's mostly normal until suddenly they aren't. I can't speak for allistic people, since I'm not allistic, but I think it boils down to them thinking that everyone thinks like they do. If something's bothering them then it must bother you, so why aren't you doing anything to fix it. 

     I also think a lot of resentment boils down to the fact that most of us aren't living in a world that was built for our needs. I don't have any hard data, but from my time online I get the impression that most people want to work fewer days a week, have a lot more money then they do, have more opportunities to go places, and have more time to spend with their friends and family. Society isn't built to give them more then the bare minimum, and most people are afraid of asking for more for fear the people around them will view them as entitled. So when a person comes along who can't get by on the bare minimum, people don't feel sympathetic, they feel resentful. They can't see what the person asking for more is struggling with, so they don't understand why they need more stuff to succeed. 

     I'm not asking for allistics/neurotypicals to be more sympathetic to people with disabilities. I'm asking them to start demanding more from the world. Think about it, we live in a world where the billionaires horde everything. Do you really think they did anything, in this life or any of their past lives, to deserve so much money? We don't have to wait for the next election to speak up about things that are bothering us, and we shouldn't shut our mouths just because people say it's better to stay quiet. The web has been around for over twenty years, why are we still debating the power of raising our voices. Don't aim to change people, aim to change the world that made them what they are. It's easier they you might think.