A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A Voice

    I know it's not my place to fix things. I know it's not on me to make the world a better place. I know that I, alone, can't address every problem facing everyone.

    But I wish I didn't live in a world where the people in charge kept telling me to shut up, to stop complaining. It's not even about them being happy, it's about them wanting the world to be what it was when I was small. 

    I hated that world. I could survive, but I wasn't happy. Yet I'm supposed to want that world badly enough to ignore everything I think is wrong. 

    Why do I have to ignore myself? I want more, I always have, but I was told that even the act of wanting it was wrong and stupid. 

   I don't have any arguments, but my heart keeps begging to be heard. I'm willing to walk alone, but I don't want to be ignored. I can understand hatred, but thinking I shouldn't be listened to feels wrong to me. Maybe I'm stupid, but even stupid people have the right to live in a world that makes them happy. 

    If you can reach people, please, listen to those of us who can't speak. I can't speak for all of us, but I know that the world has us feeling so lost right now. We wanted change, we wanted a better, safer world, and you took it from us like you've taken everything else. Have you forgotten where your power comes from? 

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