A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Thursday, September 29, 2022

An Opinion

    I have no idea if I'm the only person who feels this way, but I wish there was a religion that didn't sell itself on being the ultimate truth. Maybe it's the person whose first attempt at a major in college was chemical engineering speaking, but I don't think there really is an ultimate truth, just a question we'll never have the answer to. That question being, "How do we find meaning in a world that's inherently meaningless?"

     I don't think there's a definitive answer to this question, nor do I get the sense that there was supposed to be a definitive answer. So I want to find other people who think, as I do, that our goal shouldn't be to find The Answer. Instead, we should be looking for An Answer, one that works for the most people possible. 

     I've spent my entire life trying to learn as much as I could about the world, trying to learn what makes our world real and the Dreamworld I live in fake. At this point, I honestly think there isn't a difference. We just all see a sky that happens to be blue, leaves that are green, and stars in the night sky. I can't prove this one way or the other, and I don't even know if it's true, but I think that the only reason our world is real is because everything in the Universe, from atoms to black holes, is working to make it real. And if that's true, why not try to make a world that's real only because we believe it's real? Do we not live in a world with paper money? 

    I have no idea if the Infinite is real, I just know that I believe it is based on what I've read and seen. I think that's what most people do, believe in something they can't prove but they believe in anyways because they've seen it for themselves. Maybe I'm crazy, but when I see a world that's this broken I can't help but think that it's time for us to look for who we are inside, not the person we're supposed to be. That's the only way to build a world that works for people. 

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