A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Will AI Take Over the World?

    I'm not asking that as a hypothetical, I'm asking because I don't have an answer.

    I'm not surprised that so many people are scared that AI is coming to take all our jobs. From what I've read, it's a definite possibility. I'm luckier then most in that while I'm not safe from becoming obsolete, I'm not expecting to make money. Frankly, I'm curious to see if AI even can replace human creativity. I know that AI can create a work based on existing templates, and I'm sure it'll reach the point where it can create new genres and mediums on its own, but can it look at human society and figure out what we want to hear? Can it have it's own opinions about what's right and wrong, independent of its creators? Can it shape human society indirectly, or will it always have to rely on controlling internet access? 

   To me, the biggest stumbling block AI will have to overcome is its customers. We've all seen self check-out stands, some people love them while others despise them. Yet, despite the reduced worker costs of self check-out, no store I've been in has abandoned traditional cashiers, and a lot of places don't do self check-out at all. When I think about that, I have to wonder how much this brave new world will rely on us being willing to put out trust in machines. Is it possible we'll live in a future where there will be "Written by a human" stickers on books? Will our doctors be the people telling us what the machine tells them, because so few people trust doctor AI? Does our future really depend on innovation, or does it just depend on us being willing to not give up on one another? 

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