A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, September 17, 2022


     Most days my goal with this blog is to write an opinion and hope that everyone sees it and is moved to change their opinions because of me. 

    This is not one of those days.

     I've been a leftist for about four to six years now. I don't want to say I drifted left because of the 2016 election, but it was a huge factor in me being where I am now on the political spectrum. I confess, I mostly ended up where I am because I'm of the opinion that only radical leftism has a chance to stop our country's fall into fascism. 

   Recently, Queen Elizabeth II died. I've said my peace about that, twice in fact. In hindsight, I think I was trying to reassure myself that there was nothing wrong with sympathizing with the Queen of England. Maybe it does say a lot of unfortunate things about me that I do that, I leave that up to you to judge. All I know is, despite the people online (that I follow) making it very clear they think the Queen was a monster, I still see her as a victim of circumstance. All of us are, when it comes right down to it. I also don't think that having power thrust on you is any better then being forced into poverty, and I suspect most of us think that to. It's just that in one case you live on the edge of disaster, in the other case you wear unethically sourced jewelry and your funeral grinds the country to a halt. 

   I'll also be the first to admit I find a lot of the left's takes, that I've seen at least, to be questionable to downright laughable. That doesn't mean that I think they're wrong, on the whole. I do think that even having a symbolic monarchy is a little ridiculous for any country trying to be a democracy. I don't think anyone's death should upend a country this much, even in America a presidents death doesn't cause funerals to get cancelled. I have no clue how common my opinions are, but I honestly hope I'm in the minority. 

    And maybe I'm just stupid for wanting all my opinions to be perfect. After all, if it were possible for a person to have perfect opinions all the time, the internet wouldn't be what it is right now. 

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