A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Friday, September 2, 2022


    I hate history. How can we have a subject dedicated to what "actually" happened when nobody knows what's going on anymore? We haven't known what's real for almost a thousand years now, we don't even have reliable physics any more. Most people don't think we had reliable physics in the first place, we were just really good at convincing ourselves that we did. 

    I know everything that happened after about 2075 or so. I have to, it's part of my job. I know how, after our amazing failure at stopping global warming, we rebuilt everything by scratch, piece at a time. It was slow, messy, and took centuries, but we pulled it off. Because the human race is amazing and nothing can defeat us. Unfortunately, even before global warming destroyed everything people were beginning to notice that when you looked at things at a large enough scale, things didn’t add up. Even back in 2020 people were theorizing that there was no such thing as an objectively real world, it was all subjective in the eyes of its inhabitants. We found our first evidence of that in 2110, it was confirmed in 2403 and everything we've done since then has been to try and keep our world real while figuring out what laws magic runs by, if it even runs by laws. I suppose I should be grateful that we at least have actual scientist studying magic now, and the discipline isn't run by random people writing novels anymore. Though even back when it was the rules were oddly consistent. Given how people react when reality fails, I guess it isn't very surprising. 

   We have no way of knowing what, if anything, was going on before the 2000's. We have written records, but they aren't reliable enough for anyone to get any real data from. The problem is that the further back into the past you attempt to look, the messier it becomes. It turns out that little changes can lead to huge outcomes, but it also turns out that sometimes changing something seemingly massive can have little to no impact on history at all. Most of our records could be justified by any number of steps from a certain point, and we have no way of knowing what actually happened. 

    That doesn’t stop people from judging you if you don't "know" what happened in the 1800's or something. Like what people thought back then had any impact on today. Well, I guess the ancestors are the reason we're stuck with a dating system that doesn't make any sense. No one I know worships Christianity any more. A lot of people respect it, but most agree that by the twenty-first century it was showing its age, and by the twenty-second there were better, more consistent belief systems to use. Okay, I guess it's a stretch to call them "better", since there are still a lot of jerks who worship the Universe, just as they used to worship god. Also there's the fact that while we have a solution to the problem of evil, nobody knows how to deal with the problem of Utopia. I get that conflict can make a world stronger, but it can also tear a world apart, so why make it impossible for people to have a "perfect" world if that's what they want? 

    Rose doesn't know much about this. She's only about four, and the local schools aren't as good as the one I went to back in America. I haven't been to school in three years, but I study at home whenever I can. The people in charge would love for me to miss an obvious fact that everyone knows so they can justify killing me off and letting somebody else rule over earth, but I won't let that happen. I can't argue that they would probably do a better job, but I will argue that it's better for everyone not to have the jerks in charge of Earth's government have control of earth's ruler. None of them know how magic works, and none of them understand the danger it's putting us in. 

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