A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Sunday, September 25, 2022

A moment more

   Our World only exists so long as we believe in it. 

   I have to keep reminding myself of this, otherwise I might just lose my will to live. 

   I have to remember that everyone, living and nonliving alike, has to hold onto reality, has to remember that our world has to be bound by physics. I have to remember that our world is more then mathematics, more then rules, more then the stories we tell ourselves.

    Our world is made by us, shaped by us, created and destroyed by all who are made to live in it. If it can't be shaped, it will die by our hand. Our World will only stay real so long as we can believe that it's there, even when we don't see it. 

    I must believe, I must hold onto the world and believe that no matter how badly we screw up it'll be there, just not in the form we thought it would be. I must remember that to live is to have power, and power means responsibility for our worlds fate. 

   I must remember that the only way people can live in this world is by building their own narratives, worlds in which they reign supreme and everyone else is merely a background character. If our world is to survive, we must be able to chose the life we want to lead. 

    Though I look down and see nothing, I must remember the truth, that the world depends on me giving it meaning. Only by shaping it can I hope to keep it alive, even if it's only for one day more. 

    I must be brave. I must face the truth. I must keep going no matter how much people scream that in the end nothing I do will matter. All around me are those who've fought this battle, are fighting this battle, and will fight this battle some day. I owe them nothing, and they will never know my name, but we fight side by side nonetheless. So let my soul stretch beyond the moment of the here and now, so that I may see what the future holds and face it as myself. Let my voice be strong, let my heart be brave, let my thoughts ring out across the infinite for all to hear. Above all else, let my words shape the world in such a way that it lasts for a moment more, for that is all the victory I can hope for. 

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