A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, October 21, 2023

      When President Biden said that America Stands with Israel, he was lying. I don't stand with Israel. I don't see how anyone could stand with Israel. I'm appalled at the neutral stance of our media towards what could only be termed a genocide. This is not the time to reach across the aisle. This is the time to act with pure outrage, anger that someone would think that killing an entire country worth of people would ever be justified. If I were to ever be pushed to the point where I decided I wanted an entire group I opposed to die in the most violent manner I could think of, I would hope that the world would be horrified by my actions and that the people around me would do whatever they could to stop me. I see now that is not the case. I see that I will be forever in charge of stopping my anger, because I can't trust those around me to put up the walls I need in order for my words to not touch the innocent. How can we claim to be moral when we can't even do the bare minimum it takes to be decent people? How can we claim that, underneath all our flaws, we're good, when we watch in silence as people die needlessly? 

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