A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, November 19, 2022

The End of Twitter

    There are time when you have a lot of opinions on things. There are other times where you need to vent because you're sad. 

     Twitter's dying, if not already dead. There are some who say it'll live on for a while, others who say something else will replace it, but the majority opinion seems to be that Twitter is now gone for good. I share that opinion. The site may stay up, but the people are fleeing while they still can, fleeing to wherever they can find someone who will listen to them. 

     I was never big in the Twitter scene, but I liked having a place where I see what people were saying. I liked having a place where even a nobody like me could have a voice. I don't feel resentful, I've lost less than most, it just hurts to lose something you cared about, even if it shouldn't have mattered to you at all. 

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