A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Thursday, November 3, 2022

The End of Twitter

   Watching Twitter implode feels a little like being in 2017 again. It's horrifying, but strangely silly at the same time. You know that it's about to get awful, but everyone's being so silly that it's hard to take seriously. 

     In all honesty though, I'm a little worried. I couldn't care less what happens to Twitter, I only started posting things last year, and I stopped when I heard I might have to flee at some point. It's the people I left behind that I'm worried about. They didn't choose this, they never wanted this, some are rebelling as hard as they can. Most just seem to be lost and scared. They keep hearing that they have to fight, but they don't know how, they never signed up to be warriors of truth and justice. Worse than that, some may not want to fight, but they can't leave because they've built their entire lives on that accursed website. People are begging for an alternative to Twitter, one that might never come into being, because they don't want to have to stay and fighting is too overwhelming to them. 

    I will argue till my dying day that it should never, ever, be anybody's job to fight for justice. People should fight for the world they want, if all they ever do is fight to make the government hear them, that is the sign of tyranny. No world should ever be built on the idea the people are saints or can only survive if they are saints. That people seem to think it's okay to push people who don't want to fight into battle is appalling to me. Do we not all agree that drafting soldiers into a war they don't agree with is horrible? 

    The hard, horrible truth is that Twitter is dying. It's been dying for ages. What's going on right now is people hoping to keep it alive for just a little bit, just a while longer. But they can't. Nothing, be it living or nonliving, human or inhuman, real or imaginary, is safe from falling to the Infinite. 

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