A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Friday, October 14, 2022

A Quick Break

   I have to say, after fighting Gods, running from the servants of Gods, and discovering I have the ability to travel the Infinite while awake, normal life feels really boring. It always did feel boring, but now that I know it doesn't have to be boring it feels unbearable.

    I used to think I'd spend all day at the temple if I got the chance, but I can't. I get bored too easily. People never told me the reason you work so hard is life is unbearable if you don't. 

    I've tried my trick of daytime dreaming to find work, and I'm learning that it works way more often than I thought it would. I'm even starting to meet other people who dislike Nightmares as much as I do. They think I'm weird for sleeping every night, of course, but they seem to like me. I just wish they'd stop telling me to go home rather than try and live in the city all by myself. After all, why would my parents have sent me here if they didn't want me gone. "I'm sure they're worried about you," they keep telling me. I'm sure they wouldn't say that if they heard my parents yelling at me ever morning when I got up. 

   Whatever they say, I'm not going back. The more I think about it, the more I prefer life in the city to life in the country anyways. Nobody notices me, so there's no one to yell at me for not being able to do things every other human can do easily.

   I wish there were people like me, though. I don't care if they hate me, I'm just tired of needing to explain, over and over again, that I can't be a regular human even though I try. Since that's impossible, I'm settling for going out into the Infinite, night after night, to search for the Dreamer so I never have to sleep another night. 

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