A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Humans of Fairyland

     I don't understand why James is insisting on putting wanted posters everywhere. I know, it hurts when your defeated by a human that's stronger then you were expecting, but that's part of life in Fairyland. I don't see why he thinks it's such a big deal. 

   Frankly, I'm surprised it's taken him until now to be defeated by a human. I'm a child of business people who spared no expense making sure I knew how to defend myself and I've been taken out by humans more than a few times. They don't have power on their own, but instinct can be much stronger then you'd expect it to be. Even humans that don't sleep a lot can be a threat. 

   But because of a Shadow's wounded pride, I have to fend off people demanding to know why wanted posters for a random human are everywhere. He keeps saying he has to get her for the greater good, but I don't think that he realizes the greater good doesn't trump economic needs, and Fairyland's economy relies on humans feeling safe enough to throw all their money away and then work themselves to death to get more. The wanted posters are doing a great job of reminding them that no matter what we tell them in public, in private we'll always despise them. So now they're fleeing back to human cities or to Monsterland. It's slow, but if this continues on, it'll get much worse.

   I'm grateful that I've never had to deal with a human. The closest I've come to it was meeting some of my mother's Midnight Nightmare friends. None of them have ever had to deal with humans, but they've all told me that they thought they might have to live among humans because of how much they hated the way power felt (not that power feels like anything, but that's beside the point). They've told me that humans think they have it all, because their immune from the effects of weakness, so it's up to us to remind them just how helpless they really are. My father always said the humans he saw in his arcades looked helpless and scared enough to him. My mother said what humans do is none of our business, since the ones who want to end us are smart enough to live in the Human Lands. James told me there's a human who Nightmares now fear, which I thought was complete nonsense, but now I'm hearing more and more about a human who attacks Nightmares on sight, with a form a lucidity that only the strongest of Midnight Nightmares normally use. 

   I wonder when the humans will hear that and decide to leave their place. I'm not sure what the world is coming to.

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