A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, October 1, 2022

We Have No Backup Plan

 Note: There are no facts in this post. There is nothing here that's objectively true. This is just me stating something I believe to be true. 

  The Infinite isn't something anyone wants to believe in. No one wants to remember that nothing they do will matter. We've gone to great lengths to find something, anything, to believe in. Temples, towers, technology, all of them were made so that we might leave a legacy, so that someone would want to listen to what we had to say. 

    Most of us aren't meant for greatness, so we join those we think are great, those who stand on the shoulders of giants. We beg for them to notice us, for them to speak our names, for our use to be recognized. 

     But they never will, because they'll never care. 

     Our world, built on the dreams of our ancestors, is dying. Though our leaders deny it, we all know it to be true. We see it happening every time we leave the house, or go online. Our leaders don't care if we think the world's ending, they just want to be spared from the pain and suffering they inflict on us. They may know we aren't happy, but nothing we can do will make them care. 

   Strange though it may seem, that's not what worries me. Our world's collapsed multiple times. No society was meant to last forever. 

   The problem is that we don't have anything to fall back on.

    The entirety of planet earth has been stitched together into a single society. We now depend on countries most of us will never see for almost everything. This isn't just an economic problem, the greater world now lives in an illusion where America is the greatest and always will be the greatest. What happens when they learn that isn't true?

    We never really prepared for societal collapse. We prepared for the moment food would be scarce, people turned wild, and our leaders fled to walled estates. We didn't prepare for the moment the reality we lived in vanished, leaving us with nothing to believe in but The Infinite. We were told we wouldn't need to, that our leaders would come through at the last second. When they didn't we felt lost. 

     So many people claim that things are fine. They can't imagine a world where this won't fix itself, but it won't this time. Our world wasn't meant to be this complex, or this focused on reality. It was built on the idea that our internal and external worlds would be aligned, not on having to prize our external worlds over our internal worlds. Is it any wonder so many are so lonely? 

    I keep hoping I'm wrong, that we'll be okay, that our world will be able to keep us safe. But we need a backup plan, one that's not based in politics. We need a world based on the things that everyone believes in, even if they know they aren't true. Without something to believe in, we have nothing at all.  

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