A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, October 8, 2022

A Search for Meaning in a Meaningless world

    Like everyone else, I'm stuck in an endless search for meaning. I'm a writer, I can make a world for myself if the rest of the world crumbles away. When I look around, I see so many who are not so lucky. 

    It will never not bother me that we don't make creative writing mandatory for every student. I will argue until my dying day that people need to learn how to write fiction even more then writing non-fiction, not because they need to use it but because they need to be able to use it. 

    I look around and I see so many people trapped in dying worlds. Earth, society, major religion. All are falling, and nobody knows what to do. 

   The problem is that we've trained each other, and ourselves, to not want power. We've told each other that the best thing a person can be is somewhere in the middle, enough power to change things, not enough to have full responsibility. Then we made a world where no one has "just enough" power. Either you own everything, or you have nothing, there's no in between. That's why all our worlds are dying. In order for a world to survive, it needs to be able to change. So long as we delegate our destinies to those who don't even know our names, we'll never be able to do that. 

     We have to let go of the world we used to know, a world where everyone had a place and who you are was dictated by what you did. Our Universe was built to be a place where everyone could shape it however they pleased, and we've taken that from each other. We have to build a world where everyone can be who they want to be, and expect that most people don't want to be leaders. I don't think most people even want success, they just want to be able live without fear or stress. Why is that a bad thing? 

    We need to break free from society. It's the only way we'll survive. 

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