A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A World Without Limits

    I think it's fair to say that most people think their society is broken, at least in the 2020's. I, being an overachiever, think the very concept of society itself is broken. It should be enabling us to be better then we could be by ourselves, but I think at this point it's only making us worse off, mentally at least. 

    Society isn't just about bringing goods and services to those who need/want them, it's about protecting us from the Infinite. We all know our lives aren't inherently meaningful, and all of us are working as hard as we can to make sure that isn't true, and to that end we built society. It's a large Dreamworld that's built by an enormous number of people, so that makes it easier to believe in than a Dreamworld we build for ourselves. 

   I have some problems with it.

   First, it isn't real. Society isn't bound by physics, rules that are held in place by the wills of atoms and planets. It's bound by our minds, what we decide is right and wrong. Yet people hold society to be just as unchangeable as the laws of motion. 

   The laws of physics are static because the beings that follow them are, mostly, non-living. Whether they're conscious or not is, at the current moment, debatable, but they can't have their existence erased by bad laws. They aren't alive, so they can't die, they just change. Society isn't like that. It's built by humans, creatures who are, at the moment, not immortal. Importantly, most people don't want to be immortal. This means that those living under society are always changing, so the rules they live under have to change to accommodate them.

   Second, society isn't built with limitations in mind. We assume that, since most people can do most things, everyone is capable of being anything in society, so we should push people to be whatever society needs the most of at any given moment. We assume that, since we can make more stuff with earth's resources then we used to, we'll always be able to do more with earth's resources, so we shouldn't plan for the moment things run out. I don't think I should need to explain why this is a bad idea. 

    This is just my opinion, but I think that most of our pain is caused by living in a world without limits. Remember how I said that we're all working to make our lives meaningful? I think that all of us know, somewhere inside us, that our Universe isn't objectively real. It's just a place we build in our minds out of what we see in our minds eye, constructed out of what we see and hear. It's a world based on facts and opinions, but also based on what we believe, even if we know it isn't true or real. 

    The important thing to understand is that the Infinite has no limits. Anything can be created, anything can be destroyed, anything that can happen has already happened and is happening all at once. Lack of limitation is why the Infinite is meaningless, because without limits nothing ever changes. Infinity is always infinity, even if it seems like the numbers should go up. 

    I don't think we should limit each other, but we need to limit how large society gets and how much money a person can have. If society is to survive, it needs to be a place where everyone has a voice, everyone's actions matter, and everyone has the opportunity to shape it as they see fit. The way it's done now, a very small number of people are in charge of everything and the rest of us just have to hold on and hope they make the right choices. Not only is it grossly unfair, it's deeply unsustainable. We the people are used to limitations, some of us have a lot more then others but I truly think removing all of them would just lead to unhappiness. Now we have to make sure our leaders are limited, so they never forget just who lets them keep power and respect. Society can't exist without us, the ones responsible for deciding where the world goes. It's time that we remember that. 

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