A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, January 31, 2022

The birth of an artist

 Somewhere right now
A young woman is writing her first story.
In her mind lives a person doing great things,
Loved by all,
Who's only wish is to earn the love of their childhood sweet heart.

This story will never leave her mind
Or the pages of a notebook worn with use and time.
This story is but a seed
Planted in her mind,
Soon to grow into a story she will always love
Though she'll never know why.

When she gets older
And is overcome with the desire to share 
Her inner self with the world,
Will she remember this story?
Will she remember how it felt to walk the world arm and arm
With her best friend
As they fought monsters and beat up bullies,
All so they could save that which they loved most?
Will she remember how much she loved it
And how it made her feel powerful and strong?
Will she decide to pursue her passion and share who she is
With the world she wants to join?

Or will it be shut away,
Forgotten about,
Written off as a mistake of youthful passion?
Will this merely be another story written
That was never meant to see the light of day? 

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