A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Friday, January 7, 2022

The Big Book of Enchantments, Chapter 5, Jessica's story

    As I watch Johnathon enter the palace with Julia and Rachel in tow, I can’t help but wonder about what it would be like to live there. I don’t feel all that jealous, since it’s in bad repair and even I know the King and Queen don’t have much power these days, but it would be nice to live in a place where you felt like you were a part of something, not just a girl who no one wanted to be around.

    I sit down in front of the palace walls. I should be getting up and hustling but to be honest I find charm selling to be deeply demoralizing. Back at the citadel, the only thing I was ever praised for was my charm making skills. Out here, nobody seems to care. That could be because I’m mostly using what I can find in garbage cans, but I worry I’m doing something else wrong. I don’t know what to do.

    Michael sits down next to me. “Do you want to go in?” I ask.

    “No. I don’t think the King and Queen would care about a common boy.”

    “Well, when Johnathon gets done with his errand, we’ll see about finding a library. I’m sure there’s some explanation for what happened.”

    “Shouldn’t you be selling charms?” Michael asks.

    I sigh and stand back up. He’s right. I may hate doing this, but it’s better than the Citadel. Or so I keep telling myself anyway.

    I feel somebody grab my shoulder. “Are you related to Mildred Stonebridge by chance?”

   I jerk out their grasp. “Absolutely not.” I say. Then I see who grabbed me. Mr. Jones, one of my mother’s goons from the Citadel.

    “Do you really think I believe you?” he says, then he points behind me. I look and see a wanted poster materialize. I don’t quite see what’s written, but I recognize the portrait anywhere. “Lady Mildred is offering quite a large reward to anyone who brings you back to the Citadel.”

    I open the Big Book of Enchantments and start flipping madly. “Why would she want me back?” I ask, knowing Mr. Jones is dumb enough to explain why.

    “Apparently you took something very important to her. Without it, she can’t run the Citadel.”

   I find a spell that causes disorientation. I center it on him and cast it. One advantage to being unable to cast spells yourself is that you can find a center for magic very easily. Unfortunately, I see a cop starting towards me. He apparently thinks the Big Book of Enchantments is some sort of unregistered artefact. I cast the spell on the cop as well and then bolt as fast as I can, pausing only to grab Michael and drag him up.

   “What’s going on?” Michael yelps.

   I don’t bother answering until we’re several streets away. “The enchantress is after me. One of her goons just tried to kidnap me.”

    Michael gasps for breath. “Look, lets find a place to lay low for a bit. Then we’ll go find Zac. He should be able to help.”

    “Bit late for that.”

   I turn to see Zac behind me. “Oh, thank goodness,” I say, for the first time in my life grateful to see someone I know breaks the law, “I think we’d better leave the city while we can.”

   “What about Michael?” He asks.

   He’s right. The whole reason we came here was to help Mike. But I’m scared to go to the palace with The Enchantress’ goon so nearby. I flip through the Big Book of Enchantments. I don’t have an invisibility spell on me, but a good illusion spell should work.

   “Wait.” Michael says suddenly. “Let’s find Johnathon first. He was going inside to help Rachel, right? Maybe he could help me.”

    “That’s a good point, why don’t we watch the palace to see when he comes out? Then we can talk to him.”

    “And what if he can’t help?” Zac says.

    “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” I say. “For now, let’s lie low. I don’t want to get caught again.”

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