A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Sunday, May 28, 2023

     I remember a moment, back in 2021, when my mother and I were talking about life post-pandemic. She said that life was going to go back to normal soon. I claimed that life was never returning to normal at all. I think, with hindsight, that we were both wrong. I can't really say that we're far enough away from the pandemic to be certain, but I know that the world is clinging to 2019 far to much for my liking. My mother, from the sound of it, wishes that more of life would go back to what it was. As for the rest of the world, in my highly unprofessional opinion it seems to be split into three groups: those who think we need to move forwards, those who think we need to move backwards, and those who don't care where we end up as long as we end up somewhere. 

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