A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, May 22, 2023

A Universal Fear

 Alone at night, we see what we fear most;
Darkness, emptiness, the sense that everything that matters has already happened
And there is nothing we could do to change it.
In daylight, among our friends, we look for fear and find nothing
Believing that we had imagined it we go about our day.
One day our world collapses
Falling to what we felt but could never say,
For fear of ridicule.
The loudest beg for a return to what was right and good,
The quietest claim it was never there to begin with.
And still, late at night, we stare into the void that will someday claim us.
All of us.
Every Atom,
Everything that ever is, was, and will be,
Doomed to fall,
And be forgotten by all.

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