A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, May 29, 2023

A Search for Joy

 They say that sadness is painful,
Ice forming in between cracks in your memories,
They don't mention that sadness can be freeing,
Falling into a sea of calm.

There is no meaning to suffering,
So why do we endlessly suffer
As we search for a way to escape the pain we feel inside.
Are we giving into our worst impulses,
Or trapped with no way out?

I've been told being happy is easy,
Just look for things that bring you joy.
So than why am I so empty inside?
I have nothing but the pain of my yesterdays
To feed my hungry soul.

I want to find joy,
The happiness that should live inside me.
But it was killed in my youth,
Murdered by cruel parents and unfeeling peers.

How does one bring back the dead?

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