A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, August 22, 2022

The Story of Humanity

 There is a grand epic
Growing in the heart
Of humanity,
A story told
By billions 
Over many 
A story about a person,
Pushed down a path
They do not want to walk down.
Endlessly walking,
They know they are not wanted,
But they don't dare turn back.

There is a story
Being told 
By thousands,
Growing from the words 
Of the worlds storytellers,
Found in the hearts of creators 
A story about a person,
Cast out by society
For the one thing they can never fix,
And wouldn't even if they could.
A story about finding yourself
Amongst the stories people tell about you,
And the stories you tell about yourself.
It's a story about online quizzes,
Self-help books,
Blogs you read but tell no one about.

This a story
In which all of us play a part,
A story about a collective desire
To break free of a world that doesn't see us
And wouldn't care even if it did.
This is a story about being brave enough
To walk down a path of your own choosing,
Away from fame,
And all the rest of society's lies,
Towards the world
You know you want,
The world only you are able to live in. 

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