A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Sunday, August 7, 2022

Behind the Scenes

     You know what really sucks about living in the United States right now? Ever since I turned eighteen, I've voted in every election we've had. Not because I cared about any of the politicians, but because I'd been told. That post I wrote for yesterday, about how I didn't feel my voice would have mattered even if I had voted, felt more politically important then any vote I've taken part it, especially the one in November of 2020. 

    I know voting is supposed to be important, it's how things are supposed to get done after all. But when you consider how much of my day to day life is online. especially since I don't have a job and am not sure if I can get a drivers license, expressing myself by blogging feels a lot more impactful. 

    Shouldn't it feel like voting is important. I realize that they give you those "I voted" stickers in a lot of cases, but for my day to day life what the politicians do doesn't really matter. I know there are ways to be involved in politics, like going to city council meetings, but they aren't required and usually not encouraged in any way. 

    We see our politicians every day. Why can't we catch a glimpse of what they do behind the scenes? 

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