A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Thoughts of a Dreamer

   I'll start by stating the obvious; these are dark and horrible times. They've been dark and horrible for at least six years at this point, if not earlier. These are the kind of times where people either cry out in despair or search desperately for a solution. This post will be mostly the former. 

    I've made it clear at this point that I don't want to go back. Not to 2015, 2012, 2006 or 1995. I miss the way things were, and like everyone else I'm mourning what could have been, but I don't want to go back to a world where I honestly wasn't happy. Nobody was. We were just going through the motions praying that, tomorrow, things would be just a little bit better. Naturally they got a whole lot worse, but going back wouldn't change anything. The horrors of today were set in motion by the choices of the people of yesterday. You don't need to learn history to know that. 

    I don't know if things will get better. I know a lot of people say that things will get better at some point, but will we even be alive to see it? 

    What I miss most, though, is the feeling of certainty I had before the pandemic. The feeling that no matter how bad things were, when I wake up tomorrow the world will still be there, more or less the same way it is today. Now I know that that isn't true. Now every time I walk past a place I used to love, all I can do is ask how long it will be there, before it's demolished or destroyed in an earthquake. 

   Because I know I'm not the only person who feels the way I do, that going back, no matter how far, would be a huge mistake. 

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