A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, June 27, 2022

The Sky and the Sun

 Sun is shining
Outside of my window,
The promise of a new day,
The hope of a better tomorrow.
The sun is shining,
How can it be so peaceful
When it's all gone so wrong?

All around me are walls of glass,
Trapping me,
Suffocating me,
Keeping in the warmth
From the sunlight outside.
Those outside the walls say that it is pleasant
And warm.

Those outside the walls
Keep us trapped,
Say that but for the enclosure
We would devour them,
Desperate for sustenance.
Those outside the walls
Don't trust us not to hurt them.

And why should they?
They see the stones
We have in our hands,
The rocks that will bring about 
Their demise.

Those of you who say
That we aren't prisoners,
Do you honestly think
That the walls were put here
For our benefit?
Do you honestly think 
That those outside the walls
Hear our cries,
Or that they would care if they could?

Do you not see
That they built these walls
So that only they would have access
To the sky and the sun? 

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