A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, June 25, 2022

Satan's Inner Circle

 Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on anything. I only have an AS degree from my local college. Do not come to me for expert advice, though if you need assurance that you're not the only person who feels angry today, the day that the Supreme court overturned Roe v. Wade for no good reason, I'm more than happy to provide it. 

   I lost faith in America a while ago. Not democracy, not my fellow citizens, America specifically. I don't believe in the concept our Founding Fathers put forth so many centuries ago, because I've seen firsthand just how much they aren't working in this day and age. Maybe it would work if we weren't people of the twenty-first century, but we are, and for us the old rules aren't useful anymore. 

  There's so much going through my mind right now. Old words from when I was small, new thoughts from when I became an adult, but beneath all of those things is a question I'm completely unable to answer. Why? Why do our leaders insist on building a system none of their followers is capable of believing in? If they'd come from afar to conquer us, that would be one thing, but they grew up in the same glass house we did, they wouldn't be in power now if they hadn't. Yet they rule as though they were foreign kings who hold us at their mercy. Do they think we aren't capable of destroying them? That we won't turn our backs on them if the don't give us what we need to live? Why do they insist on trying to take our power? No one in America is here because they were willing to give into a system they felt was unjust. They came because they wanted control over their own lives, control they felt they didn't have back home. I suppose it's poetic. We were the country you came to when life back home got dicey, now we're the country you run from because it's impossible to be who you are. 

    I keep thinking about glass houses. I see people angry over this, furious that not even the least partisan body in government is save from the evils of Fascism. And I don't know what to do. Voting won't fix this. Not enough people believe in our government now. Violence would make everything worse, but I suspect it's the only thing that'll scare those in charge enough for them to listen to us. If it were up to me, we'd all wake up tomorrow and say, "Enough. I'm done believing in a system that refuses to believe in me. I'm not going to do anything to keep this system going. I'm going to sit in bed, play with my kids, do whatever it takes to keep me happy. I won't be a part of a broken world." I know that won't work, that it's just a fantasy, but it's the only solution I have that's even remotely peaceful, and it still requires people to be willing to beg, barter, or steal if that's what it takes. 

    I wonder how much longer we have before our glass house is destroyed. 

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