A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, June 20, 2022

A Dreamer's Curse

 If you wish
To dream of better days,
Than be warned.
For your future may not be as rosy
As you want it to be.

To dream of the world you want
Is to influence the world.
And to influence the world
You in turn open yourself up to its influence.
You cannot change the world without being changed yourself.
Accept this,
Or let go of the power you wield. 

Do not become a dreamer
If you wish to save your world.
Your world was doomed
The moment you took your power
For yourself.
If you wish to save the world
Then don't dream of a better world
Or pray for tomorrow.
Do what you must to keep your world as it is
For all eternity.
Do not hope for change,
For change will bring an end 
To the world you love. 

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