A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The fall of the glass house

   I don't know how it normally works for writers, but blogging for me has been driven by the desire to get people to listen to what I have to say. I've written for almost my whole life, mostly fiction, but this has been my first attempt to get my message out into the wider world. I want the world to know me, to see me for what I am. I want the whole world to read "A Glass House". It's the story of the world I saw in 2020-2021, a world of people who were desperate for anything, and an upper class determined to withhold all they could. I confess, I'd hoped it would be obsolete by now. I don't envy writers who words become truth, because people start to take everything you say as gospel. But that doesn't change the fact that I think people can be moved by my words. I'm not special, I know. In truth, some of my favorite words have come from authors who simply wanted to tell a story, and got at uncomfortable truths entirely by accident. Truth is odd like that. 

     Whatever the future holds, I hope the world breaks free from the glass house we've been trapped in for who knows how long. People hold certain inalienable rights, and among those rights is the right to speak and be heard, a right we deny to too many people. If this is supposed to be our world, then why do so many of us never get a chance change it directly? Why do we have to sit back and hope that whatever god we believe in listen's to us? 

    It's time for the world to change. Too long we've been trapped in darkness, hoping that tomorrow things will be better. It's time to do more than simply wait for the dawn of a new day. 

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