A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, May 2, 2022


Nobody wanted the world to end.
It just happened when everyone was watching.
Our leaders ignored us,
Our culture disintegrated,
Our world crumbled before our very eyes.

I want to get out so badly.
I can see outside
But I can't possibly escape
The grind,
The pain,
The feeling of loss.

Why do our leaders not care anymore?
Can't they hear our pleas for help?
Can't they hear our voices
Begging from below?
We gave them their power,
But they seem to have forgotten
The price they were supposed to pay. 

Every day 
Is another reminder
That the world doesn't belong to me.
The people in charge don't care about us anymore.
For what is an atom
To a person?
Every day
I grit my teeth,
Telling myself that this is only for today,
That tomorrow must be better.

But how long can I go on
Searching for the sun,
Searching for the dawn of a new day?

Note: Originally, this was a repost of something I'd already posted before, that I'd forgotten I'd posted. Here's a link to what was originally here. 

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