A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, December 13, 2021


Floating on an ocean of chaos, I cry

For help,

Desperate for someone to hear my voice screaming in the darkness.

Trapped in this never ending night,

I fear for those who no longer cry.


Somebody give me hope, in these last dark days

As the moon starts to wane.

Give me something to believe in:

Biology, psychology, astrology

I don't care.

I just need someone who cares

About me.

A god who won't abandon us in our darkest hour.


Let them nurture me, hold me, kill me.

Let me hold on until I'm pulled into the deep, never to surface again.


Opening my eyes, I see something that defies description.

It's not darkness, or light,

And I can't make out any solid objects.

Is this what nothing is?

Am I seeing the end of the world?


How can I hold onto hope

When even darkness has abandoned me?

Is this the fate that awaits us all?

Am I seeing the future?



Wherever you are,

Whoever you are,

Hear me,

Hear the voices of those who can no longer speak.

Hear us as we beg you to bring back the world we once knew.

It wasn't perfect, It wasn't great, most  days it wasn't even good,

But even in our darkest hour

It was home. 


The sun crests over the horizon.

The nightmare is over at last.

I'm home.

And yet nothing's as it should be.

When I look, everything looks normal, but when I close my eyes

Everything feels wrong.



I thought things would get better.

Yet no matter how much time passes, things only seem to get worse.

Have you truly abandoned us

Oh ye gods of the past.


Give us something to believe in, in these last dark days

As the moon starts to crest.

Give us a god who can bring us together

The way gods did not so very long ago.

Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah,

Buddhism, Hinduism, Wicca,

Or any of the others.

I don't care.

I just want a world that feels safe,

A world that wants me

Not just for the work I do

But who I am as a person.

I want a community that's safe,

A neighborhood that welcomes me.

And most of all, when I close my eyes,

I want to see something.


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