A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Right to Dream

     Some people look at the world and see people starving because they can’t get enough to eat. Some people look at the world and see people dying because they can’t go to the doctor. Everywhere you look you see people dying for lack of resources, denied the right to live by the greed and apathy of those and charge. 

    I look at the world and I see people being denied the right to dream. 

    Denying people the right to dream doesn’t kill them, not instantly. They go about their lives accepting that, when the chips fell, they were doomed to a life that was small, and not allowed to dream of anything better. But they do die, in spirit at least. 

    All around I see people trapped, not by walls or moats, but by the belief that now is all they have and it’s a sin to dream of anything better. 

    Life isn’t about fighting for more, it’s about the belief that, if you wanted to fight, you could have more. It’s the belief that somehow, someway, you could be amazing. We may be shackled to reality, but in our dreams we can be free, and that freedom is dangerous to those who want our power, all of it, regardless of if they’ve done anything to earn it. 

    I hope that, someday, we take back our right to dream. It’s a right that should never have been taken to begin with. The idea that school, work, society, anything was more important than our right to be ourselves is absurd. More and more, I see people realizing that. I wonder if, someday, others will agree with me that when you take peoples ability to dream of a better world from them, you doom society to a slow, agonizing death. 

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