A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, September 2, 2024

The World of Tomorrow

 I swim through time,
A river someone diverted
Away from my home. 

I travel through space, 
A land of forever
With no place for me to live.

I travel through history
Where my name's been erased,
And I can't help but shout,
"Who did this to me?"

In Reality there's a place
For every lost soul,
For every human 
Without a name.
In our Universe time
Should move past us all,
Not be concentrated 
Around only a few. 
In a world built
On injustice and lies,
I refuse to be forgotten,
Refuse to be undone
By the world of tomorrow.

I fly through the skies
Of the worlds yet unborn,
Through metaphors unwritten
And stories untold.

I climb the structures
Of races long lost,
Of a place that history
No longer cares about.

I leap through the continuum
That keeps us together,
Through the laws that bind us
And keep us whole,
And I can't help but ask,
"Why do you not know my name?" 

In Reality there's a place
For every lost soul,
For every human without a name.
It is said that history
Will one day be erased
No matter how great we are.
In a world built 
On injustice and lies,
I refuse to be forgotten,
Refuse to be undone
By the ending 
Of all that I know. 

I stand before the world of my creation,
Looking at a husk
Nobody knows the name of.

I watch as people
Go about their lives,
No longer remembering
That they died long ago.

I see the outside
Creeping in,
Consuming us,
Turning us from a husk
Into the dirt upon which it will grow. 

Is this all that I am?
Something to be consumed?
Someone to be destroyed?
I refuse to believe that.

In reality there's a place
For every lost soul,
For every human without at name.
I won't let my life end
With the world that birthed me,
The world that never cared
To remember my name. 
If our future is built
On injustice and lies,
Then I refuse to be forgotten.
I refuse to be undone
By this new world,
The world of tomorrow. 

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