A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

    I'm going to admit this publicly, because either I'm right and I'll be able to say that I called it or I'm wrong, in which case I'll have been worrying about nothing, but that's probably a good thing. I think we're rapidly approaching the moment when we learn that physics is no more real than society. I don't mean that in a "science is just a construct of the world around it" way (although I do think that's more true than we want to admit), I think that because I think that physics is made up of subatomic particles the way that society is made up of people or ecosystems are made up of animals. All of those are systems that are only real because a bunch of things are following the rules. We even think that's true already, and I've read at least one pop science article that says that we might be able to change the laws of physics. What I haven't seen anyone grapple with, at least on a scientific level, is the idea that our world might not be real in the way that we psychologically need it to be. When not even physics is external, objective, and unchangeable, what do you have left? 

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