A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, August 28, 2023

The Apple of Doom

 They say that
Once upon a time,
In  far off, distant land,
An apple fell
In front of a philosopher,
And imparted the secrets
Of the world.

The world 
Was never the same
After that,
And power,
Grew like weeds,
Pushing up
No matter how much people
Tried to keep it down.

Is it true that once,
In a time 
That exists only 
In fairy tales,
A god banished a man
And a woman,
For the crime of seeking
The truth?

Is it true 
That we will only be happy,
If we live in ignorance?

Or can we learn to grow
The fruit of the tree of knowledge,
Without it turning
Into an apple of doom?

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