A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, August 26, 2024

The Crossroads

 Which way do I go?
Should I even be
On this road at all?

I came here looking 
For better opportunities,
For a future I couldn't get back at home.
As time goes on,
I feel uneasy,
Should I even be here at all?

I don't miss home.
Home never welcomed me
And the people were jerks.
I miss the feeling of familiarity,
The feeling that I knew who I was
And where I stood.
I miss feeling like maybe
I might belong here one day.

I don't belong here,
I felt that as soon as I saw this place
So perhaps I didn't try hard enough.
I don't even remember coming here,
I just know that staying back home
Wasn't an option.

I don't want to go home,
I don't want to stay,
I'm not sure I want to go 
Anywhere else.
So which way do I go?
Which way will take me
To where I want to be?

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