A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Pity Poor Elon Musk

 Pity Poor Elon Musk,
For from the time he was born
To today
The world gave him all
That he could possibly want.

When he said he wanted to be a successful 
Business person,
The world gave him 
A clear road
Straight to the front door.
When he said that he wanted even more
The world asked no questions
And just gave him all he wanted
And more.
When he became the most successful
Person of all time,
The world never paused
And asked what he'd done to deserve it,
It simply asked
If he wanted more. 

Poor man,
Never held back 
By anyone
Or anything. 
The moment they saw him
The world hated his guts
And wished him dead,
But in its cruelty 
The world insisted that he be left alive
And untouched.
Wherever he went
He made more enemies than friends,
But the world never stopped him
Even as it destroyed his chances 
At getting
What most believe he really wants.

Wretched and pitiable,
His record of carnage
Is written in stone for all to see.
Immortalized in the language of hatred,
Deprived of a chance at redemption,
Refused a chance to win over anyone's trust.
Elon Musk stands alone
On a pillar of his own making,
Quaking in terror at the thought
That he might one day be pushed off. 

Pity poor Elon Musk,
For it is impossible to sympathize 
With someone incapable of creating something good,
And impossible to justify 
The decision of everyone
To let him stay in power. 
Pity a man
Who reminds us of a cruel world
That won't hold us back when we need it.
Pity him,
For any one of us could have been him,
And his fate is not one that I'd wish on anyone.

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