A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, August 3, 2024

     My mother showed me The Atomic Café the other day, and it's kind of inspired me to watch some more movies about what would happen in the event of a nuclear war. I'm aware that global warming is a massive issue that our politicians are doing nothing about, but I didn't grasp how horrifying it would be to live in a world where your life depended on nobody pressing a certain button. Especially since global warming, with all of it's downsides, isn't so horrible that you consider yourself lucky to die in the initial attack. I wonder why people don't talk about the cold war all that much. I feel like it explains a lot about boomers. As someone not facing that fate (yet), there is something oddly calming about these films. We came way too close to disaster, but in the end we managed to convince our politicians not to act like total jackasses. Maybe there's hope for us yet. 

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