A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, July 25, 2022

Souls of the Infinite

Meaningless and empty.
Time that seemed to stand still
Now rushing towards oblivion.

What should I do?
What can we do in the face of the end?

In the darkness I hear them screaming.
The ones the Infinite has consumed.
I can't save them.
No one can.

Everything is ending.
A world that was mine
Falling apart
Into dust.

Ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.
Who'd have thought we'd live to see it?

In the darkness I plead 
For someone to hear me,
For moonlight to guide me,
For a god to save me.

In the darkness I see people banging on the walls
Of the glass house their trapped in,
Begging for those still living in the world
To help them before it's too late.

In the darkness
All I can do is dream 
Of a world that might survive.
A world where all of us are safe
From the sins that consumed us. 

In the darkness 
I seek the laws of physics,
The lines pushing and pulling us apart,
Looking for the moment we fell into nothingness.
Looking for the moment where it all went wrong.

The hardest part about all this isn't that it's over,
It's that knowing that if they could hear you
Maybe you wouldn't have to die. 

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