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Saturday, July 2, 2022

I Hate Republicans

    Everything that’s gone wrong in this country can be blamed on a single party. Let’s not pretend that that isn’t true. I know the Republican party didn’t introduce covid, but they bungled the handling of it so badly that we had the highest covid mortality while they were in charge. Yes, they didn’t cause the great recession themselves, but they put policies in place that allowed it to happen. Let’s not forget that three of the judges that overturned Roe v. Wade were picked by Donald Trump, the most infamous of the republican presidents.

    I can’t claim that all republicans are evil to their core, but I won’t say that I feel the party is worth saving. I feel that, in order for the country I want to live in to exist, that party needs to die. Not the people in it, the ideas, and views that they hold. None of the values of the republican party are popular. No one outside the party likes them anymore. I’m fine with America having a conservative party, but not a party consumed by cruelty and malice.

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