A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday Posts

    Sunday posts are the posts that I find the hardest to put effort into. It's just another thing standing between me and Monday, the day my next poem goes up.

    When I started posting poetry weekly, I figured that, since I was just writing as poetry came to mind and I wasn't posting everything I was writing, I'd run out of ideas quickly. Surprisingly that is, so far, not the case. I didn't realize how much I'd enjoy writing poetry. I think that, because so many associate poetry with great writers who say things the rest of us are unable to say, we forget that poetry is just another way of expressing who we are. It doesn't aim higher than prose, in fact because it's inherently restrictive, a lot of it comes out sounding rather silly. 

    I think art would be better if we didn't associate it with greatness, and instead saw it as a way for people to express, for themselves and for others, how they feel the world actually is. Most artists don't really know what they're doing, they're just playing it by ear. I don't think this is a bad thing, far from it. I took a few writing courses in college, but I'm not a trained writer at all. I just picked up what I saw other people doing online. 

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