A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, April 11, 2022

A Story

 Built from ideas
Written on paper and stone.
A planet spins through its galaxy,
Following its star, 
Endlessly searching for its place in this world.

On its surface are creatures that grow,
And change it.
Endlessly working to build a paradise,
Endlessly searching for a better place to live.

At their heart, the heart of the world,
The heart of the planet hurdling through space,
Is a story.
A story of determination, of hope,
Of searching for meaning amongst that which has no meaning.
Ours is a world of rebels, 
Fighting to hold onto a dream that is slipping away.

Day by day,
We awaken.
We remember our past,
We glimpse our future,
And we tremble in fear. 

The only thing saving us from damnation 
Is a story,
Built from ideas,
Written on paper and stone.
The story of soul, lost to space and time,
Searching for the meaning of life

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