A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Thoughts on life

    Life's been feeling a little boring lately. It says something about the past few years that the news is talking about Putin invading Ukraine and all I can manage to think is "that's all?" I'm grateful that things are boring, believe me. The past two years have made it clear that boredom is the greatest luxury known to mankind. 

     That doesn't stop me from wanting more though. I keep hoping that someday we'll have a functioning government, the billionaires will all die without heirs, and a locally owned stationary store will open within walking distance of my house. When I dream, I dream big. 

   It also doesn't stop the voice in my head that's saying, "Yeah, things are alright now, but how long will this last." I hope things aren't going to get worse, but most people aren't feeling hopeful right now. I think all of us are asking the same question; how long before we have the right to dream again? 

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