A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

New Normal

   My mother just told me she canceled the vacation she was planning on taking with me in May. A normal person would be really bummed about it, I honestly feel guilty. See, I wasn't excited about taking a vacation when the pandemic was going on, especially when I don't feel that enough people are taking it seriously anymore. But I still wanted her to be able to go. She get's really depressed when she doesn't leave the house for months. I also don't she's healthy enough to travel by herself. With the pandemic, we just haven't been able to go anywhere, and as a result she's super depressed. 

     I've been thinking a lot about the "New Normal" people keep talking about. I know people are sick of pandemic life, but I've made it clear that I don't think normal is coming back, at least not in the way we want it to. But I do want to live in a world where people can cruise without worrying about Covid surges or invasions by Tyrants. 

     I don't want to go back to the way things were in 2019, or even 2012. I did enjoy the 2000's, but I was young enough to not know a lot about the issues we were facing. But I don't want people to be stuck inside all day except for when they leave for work. I don't want people to have to worry about other's not wearing their masks. I don't want to live in a world where racists with podcast get a deal with a major platform and everyone just shrugs their shoulders, and I certainly don't want NFT's to become a part of our lives just because the people with money say it's the future. I don't want the old world back, but I don't want everyone stuck in the world we've got either. 

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