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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A blogger's life

   I'm glad that I don't use rely on my blog for money (not yet at least). I decided to google myself to see if my blog would turn up. It doesn't. I don't know if google thinks it's terrible, or if blogger just doesn't get enough traffic to push it up to the top spot, but if you google my name, or even "Kristen Eliker" + "Blog" you get nowhere.
    So in an effort to get more views, I've resurrected my twitter account, since it seems to be a lot easier to get traffic there. Can't say it's a guarantee that I can start making money, but I may finally get some views for once.
    This does mean that I need stuff to tweet about. Well, I sometimes photograph things for a hobby, and I am looking at buying a new camera, so that's not a bad option. In fact, I could post photo's every day, and then at the end of the week put them all together into a post on the blog. Which might make it so my blog actually appears when you search my name. Either way, it's a start.

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