A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, July 20, 2024

My Problem With the Democratic Party

     Full disclosure: I'm not voting in the next election. I find it hard to believe that my vote will fix anything when both presidents have shown themselves to be pro-genocide. That said, I still think people should vote next election. I'm not voting because I have no better way of saying that no one in our government represents me or my interests. The people who aren't in that position should absolutely vote, because if they don't our world won't know how many people the system still represents. 

     That being said, a lot of people are in the same position that I'm in; historically oppressed groups who have been voting Democrat because it was the only way they had a chance of being heard. All we've been given in the past four years amounts to lip service at best, and since nothing's been done to curb the loss of human rights it's fair to say that we've suffered a net loss. What has the Democratic party done to combat this? Nothing. When you drive down Bellevue Streets, you see plenty of signs for Republicans, but not a single Democrat. Despite the fact that the Democrats reputation is in the toilet. It was under Biden's watch that a genocide happened and millions of Palestinians were displaced and killed. What did the Democrats do? They pushed through more funding to Israel. Whether they're desperate for campaign money or just extremely racist and evil, I don't know and I honestly don't care. 

     The fact of the matter is that Trump made the Democrats complacent. They won by such a large margin in 2020 that they're now convinced that they can't lose no matter how much they screw up. In doing so, they're leaving people with no choice but to see a world where Republicans will one day push down the barricade between our world and the Infinite because not only will the Democrats do nothing to stop them, they'll give them grenades if given enough campaign money. I have no idea what makes a Democracy healthy, but I simply refuse to believe that it's a world of people who are disillusioned, disempowered, and bitter with the whole charade. At this point we have two options; push for a system that will make our current system look as authoritarian as absolute monarchies do to us, or accept our fate and step forward into a world where we have no power at all. 

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