A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, June 10, 2024

What I Used to Love

 Like sand 
The past slips through my fingers,
Crumbling into dust
That scatters to the wind.
Old images,
Old metaphors,
Words I've all but forgotten,
The names of things I loved but lost
And those who lost me in turn.

I hear the world screaming,
Begging for change,
Begging for the future
Its leaders deny it,
But in my heart I feel hesitant.
The ground beneath me is so far away,
How do I know I'll be safe when I jump?
How I wish I could grow wings
And fly away from all that I used to love.

Look upwards
And you'll see a sky 
Bathed in starlight,
In ideas of what could be.
Look into your heart
 And you'll see who you could become.
All around you people beg for stories
And tales,
Yet you, the teller, 
Can only sit in silence.

I come back down to earth,
The ground underneath
Feeling crumbly and thin. 
I look at the others,
I say what I want,
They listen
And my words carry far.
The future opens its arms out
Eager to great me,
But it's not enough.
Nothing will be enough
To help me let go. 

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