A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, June 17, 2024

The Artists Within

 My audience numbers
To me and me alone.
Only I understand the gifts
That I give.
I write of a future 
That we're meant to share
A future no one else wants to see.

My other watches
From some distance away.
It says, "It doesn't matter how good you are
If no one sees you."
No matter how it patters on
I refuse to give in.

For I'm on the cusp of
Greatness and Glory.
No one can stop me from 
Winning the day.
Nothing stands 
Between me and my dreams.
My future's but a heartbeat away.

The stupidity of the dreamer 
Who believes in themselves
Never ceases to amaze me.
Anyone can see
That they're writing is trash,
Which is why only they want to read it.

I counter their arguments
In my mind alone.
For I have created greatness
Unmatched by their work
I've written the best
And I'll write it again,
My audience standing alongside me.

For I'm on the cusp of
Greatness and Glory.
No one can stop me from 
Passing this test.
Nothing stands 
Between me and my winnings.
Just look at my past, and you'll see I'm the best.

No one need tell me
That my work is the best,
But I know that one day they'll see through my act.
I know that my best
Is someone else's worst, 
And the only reason no one says it
Is because they have tact.

What if I'm nothing more
Than a massive imposter?
What if I'm seeing something
That's not actually there?
Is there a reason
That people mostly say I'm okay?
Is there a reason that 
Only I seem to care?

I'm on the cusp of
Greatness and glory.
No one can stop me
From being who I am.
I don't care if I'm the worst
Who has ever existed,
I will do this for as long as I can. 

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