A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, June 24, 2024

A New World

 One day soon,
We'll wake up and see
That we are who
We were always meant to be.

In a future of our own making,
Away from the follies of the past.

One day we'll wake up and see
That we have a common dream;
To be able to look at one another
And say,
"I know you see what I see."

This new world has been forming
Since before we were born,
And it's been so long
We forgot it was there.
Now it comes forth,
And we await it 
With a joy unmatched by anything
Save the birth of our children.

For now we no longer need to wait
To be forgotten.
Now we can walk forward
And share a world 
That will last
For another eternity. 

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