A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, June 3, 2024

A Time Long Gone

 I stare out my window
On a world of brown,
Where once there was a sea of green.
My mental eye turns inward
To a world that changed greatly,
The world that I once knew.

Things happened to me
In a time long gone,
To me and everyone else.
Things happened that made me
A Dreamer and doer,
Someone who carried the world.

I wrote epic stories,
I dreamed epic dreams,
I built a world piece at a time.
The world that you live in
Was built by my hand,
The hand that time has worn down.

Will you erase me from your world
As I erased my grandparents,
Those from the time long gone?
Will you make me obsolete,
Forgotten and unwanted,
And I did to my elders long ago?

The world is ever changing,
Like dunes in a desert,
Like the cities in which we all live.
Someday, you to, will look out
On your world,
And wonder what happened to those long dead. 

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