A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, January 22, 2024

The Road to Fame

 The road to fame is paved with regret.
You either wish you'd started sooner,
 or you wish you'd never started at all.
But sooner or later, at some point in our lives,
all of us start seeking fame and fortune. 
Some of us want to be known by all,
Other's just want to be know to our friends,
But one way or another we all become famous.

To have fame is to have everything, or so I've been told.
To be known is to have power, and to have power 
is to have everything. 
Then why, I wonder, do so many celebrities complain?
Is it privilege, or is it the feeling that they'll never escape 
The public eye? 
Is there a famous person who feels they got what they wanted?
Do they feel the price was too high?

Why seek out fame, I wonder, if the price is that one cannot be forgotten?
Do all of us secretly wish for unhappiness,
Or do we simply not wish to know the truth?
All I know is that to be unknown is to be unwanted,
Abandoned by one's fellow humans.
Nobody wants to admit it,
but fame is the price one has to pay for love.
If one cannot be loved,
Than fame will never come. 

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