A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Prisoner

 You may think you're in control.
You may think that you're in charge,
But we the rulers of your Dreamworld
That your power is ours alone.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

     I'm told that for most people, becoming an entirely different person depending on what group of people you're with feels natural and intuitive, but it's never felt natural to me. No matter who I'm with, I feel like I have to cut off parts of myself just to fit in. I know what people expect me to do, but whenever I do it I know that I'm lying just to be accepted, and the moment they find out that I'm not who I say I am, I'll be cast out. They don't care about me. They care about a carefully constructed illusion they live in that says that everyone else is like them. Someone who can only pretend to be them, but who looks perfectly human otherwise, is an affront to that illusion. By existing, I put their world at risk whenever I have to enter it, yet I'm not allowed to not live in it at all. I shouldn't have to lie in order to stay alive. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

The Puzzle

 Some say the world is a story,
or is it a puzzle?
How does one describe the act of taking
Bits of reality and putting them together?
What does one do when the pieces don't lock together?

Why is so much of the world ugly and broken?
Why is evil the only thing that makes it whole?
Is our world so awful that goodness can't save us?
What happens when you can't stand
How the pieces fit together?

When a story is written, it feels complete.
When a puzzle is complete, a picture comes into view.
Life will never be that way as long as we are living it.
I know this, but I never thought about how much I hated it.
Until now.
Now the world has become a puzzle
That will not fit together.
Now the world has become a story
That can never be told.
How does one live a life without meaning? 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

     I wish there was a way to know what it would take for me, the individual, to change the world. That way, I'd always know for a fact that I could change it for the better, or for the worse, so on the days when I want to be normal, I don't have to do anything at all. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

    I think that someday we'll find out that the strongest power humanity has is the ability to make anything that isn't real, real, and destroying anything that used to be real. It will then be up to us to see that we use our power for good. 

Friday, January 26, 2024

An Old Website

 Memories of an ex-lover
Soar in my mind,
Oh, my, how high we once flew. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024

     I think it's safe to say that we're in denial about the state of X. By insisting on calling it Twitter, we're pretending it's still a living breathing organism capable of thought, not an undead zombie that knows nothing but infernal hunger. When we use the word Twitter we claim that Elon Musk cannot destroy Twitter, that he can't kill us and revive us to use for his own twisted ends. But we cannot deny the truth, he is a monster, infecting our world with curses that were never meant to be unleashed on humanity, purely so he can harness our fear and power. He sees us, the humans who use X, as nothing more than slaves, beings without agency, incapable of things like love, joy, or kindness. He claims he did not know the dangers of what he was doing, but he lies. All of us who wish harm upon others think that we'll be spared, until our curses come back to haunt us. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Am I dying? 
Am I in danger of losing everything?
Is that small pain I feel the sign of something worse?
Or am I just trapped in raging fire
Of fear and insanity? 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

   I am officially done with X, the corpse formerly known as Twitter, and I'm writing this publicly for all to see so that I can be held accountable when/if I find myself crawling back in moments of weakness. I realize that for most people it's not that easy, but I figure that if I leave, that might be the catalyst for other people leaving, and if enough people leave, X will either change or get killed off for good. Either way, we'll be safe from the stench of Twitter's maggot infested corpse, and we now know that anything Elon Musk touches becomes infected with the decay of society. We do this right, Twitter, forever known as X, becomes a lesson to all; don't let the infected near what you treasure, or you'll be the one who gets killed. 

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Road to Fame

 The road to fame is paved with regret.
You either wish you'd started sooner,
 or you wish you'd never started at all.
But sooner or later, at some point in our lives,
all of us start seeking fame and fortune. 
Some of us want to be known by all,
Other's just want to be know to our friends,
But one way or another we all become famous.

To have fame is to have everything, or so I've been told.
To be known is to have power, and to have power 
is to have everything. 
Then why, I wonder, do so many celebrities complain?
Is it privilege, or is it the feeling that they'll never escape 
The public eye? 
Is there a famous person who feels they got what they wanted?
Do they feel the price was too high?

Why seek out fame, I wonder, if the price is that one cannot be forgotten?
Do all of us secretly wish for unhappiness,
Or do we simply not wish to know the truth?
All I know is that to be unknown is to be unwanted,
Abandoned by one's fellow humans.
Nobody wants to admit it,
but fame is the price one has to pay for love.
If one cannot be loved,
Than fame will never come. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

     I wish I knew how to open up the Dreamworld to more people. I feel that if more of us had the ability to tell our stories and find ways to tether ourselves to reality, our world wouldn't be in the state that it's in. I can't help but feel that most conspiracy theorists are born from people who need to believe in something, something not tied to reality in any significant way. Unfortunately, they live in a world where reality is given precedence over all other human needs, like the need for power and control over one's mind and body. We are watching as a battle over reality takes place on a million fronts, and no one knows how to stitch our world back together. We can't know. We thought that the moment we mastered physics, all else would fall into place. We never imagined we would need fiction to give any of this meaning. It sickens me to watch as people keep saying we don't need religion. People aren't turning away from religion because it doesn't work, they're turning away from it because it doesn't feel real to them anymore. We need to reinvent the very concept of reality, and nobody but me seems to know this. Everyone seems to think that all you need to do is connect to society, but that won't work for much longer. We need a new story, or else all we'll have left is Infinitelism. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024

     I'm scared. No. Fear doesn't do what I'm feeling justice. I'm not a libertarian, and I don't particularly want to be, but I've passed the point of no return. I'm officially at the point where I feel that both parties are unacceptably bad. Not even in different ways. Things have gotten so bad that while I know there were good reasons for voting for Biden four years ago, I no longer remember what they were. I feel like I only voted out of blind hope that maybe, just maybe, Biden could turn things around. I never imagined he would make things worse. People keep insisting that the Democrats are better, but that doesn't feel real to me. At all. It feels like a blind statement of belief more than anything. What the heck are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to vote our way out of the feeling that no matter what we say or do, nothing will ever get better? Eternity as we know it is ending, and all we can do is sit back and wait for the moment we don't need to care anymore. How many of us will die? How many will be straight up erased from history, with nothing that even denotes their existence? What will happen when Democracy as we know it crumbles? 

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Ballroom

 People spin in time
To the symphony of fate,
Speaking to those destined for greatness and glory.
Am I the only one unsettled
By the glass floor beneath us,
Over a sea of stars? 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

     We allow the rich to get richer in the hopes that one day they'll build grand halls for the best of us to hang pictures in, as though we're kindergarteners and they're our loving parents. The optimist in me hopes that what we're seeing is the beginning of a change in ethos, a shift from believing that money is given to the inherently deserving to a world that acknowledges that no one is free from flaws, and no one, no matter how good, deserves to run unopposed. I want to believe that we'll grow up, but we're not long past the point when most children died in infancy, indeed many countries haven't gotten to that point yet. I fear that we, just growing past infancy, are doomed to die before our potential is reached. If humans are capable of wielding power independent of the world we live in, we might have a chance, but how will we know before it's too late? 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A Changing World

The world is ever turning,
 Ever changing.
You see it in the sky,
In the way we move across our land
In the way our gaze shifts
To take in the world around us.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

    I don't want a large fanbase, but I can't help but wish there was someone to ask about something that's been bugging me. Has anyone else been troubled by the feeling that they're hyper-focusing on small, inconsequential issues that no one else in the world cares about because the big issues are so overwhelming these days?

Monday, January 15, 2024

I Don't Want to be a Ruler

 I don't want to be a ruler,
A tool made for others to use.
I want to be more than a measure
Of the routes that people will choose.

I'm destined to do more than simply
Inching my way up the line.
I feel that success will be granted
By watching the passage of time.

I have no way of knowing how long
My words and phrases will last.
I don't know how one can tell
When the end of the line has past

But there is one thing of which I am certain,
Something of which I don't doubt.
I don't want to be a ruler,
Something that's just used for clout.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Thoughts on 2024 so far

     The problem with writing all of my posts on Monday is you can tell when I start the week in a bad mood. Let's just say that 2024 has not started off promisingly, and I'm not accepting "Not as bad as 2023" as an improvement. I know we've had worse, but I'm not quitting until we've managed to have a year that, for once, doesn't leave the entirety of the United States longing for the sweet release of death. Or the rapture. I'm fairly certain I'm not the only person who feels that hell would be preferable to being alive. 

      It's not just that we've screwed up. People screw up all the time. It's that no one has the power on the inclination to fix anything. I can understand it being hard to believe in God, especially the Christian incarnation. I can understand not wanting to believe in your fellow humans, lord knows I don't. I don't understand being completely incapable of believing in Reality. We see it every day and are surrounded by people who see it everyday, and all of us know that our actions have consequences. Furthermore, we live in a democracy, and even autocracy runs on the idea that your army decides to shoot your enemies and not you. Our government can't survive if we decide that a world where either path leads to the death of innocents is completely unacceptable, and we act on that by booting the bastards out of office and picking a method of making sure they can't make it back in. Let's prove the libertarians wrong, and create a world where there is a choice between parties and you can make the right choice. If the people in charge won't do it, I guess that we'll just have to do it for them. And don't act like this is impossible. If the Fascists can act without leadership, there's no reason the far smarter left can't do the same thing, given the right incentives. 

Saturday, January 13, 2024

    There's something calming in the coming of the Apocalypse. There's something soothing about the knowledge that there's nothing more you can do to save your world. All you need to do now is ride out the storm. Will you live? Will you die? It doesn't matter. No one will remember you anyway. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

A New Beginning

 Strange to think that soon
Our world will be reborn
As a place we know
And yet cannot recognize.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

    Do you ever feel that they make your life public as a sort of threat? That they made it so that, without any surveillance, all of us are seen just so that we would police ourselves? But for our leaders incompetence, I would believe that, but the truth is that it does not matter if they intended to trap us in our fears and anxieties. That is what they have done. Perhaps it is time to go back to a world where no one need express themselves for affection, least of all those, like me, who know that the more they say out loud, the less the world will be willing to tolerate them. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 If I were to die
At this moment in time
I'd be forgotten by all. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

     Every Monday, I fire up Blogger and pretend that I'm a member of society. I pretend that I don't hate the world as much as I do, that I have anything remotely approaching faith in our government, that I'm at all convinced the world will listen to what I have to say. Every Monday, I pretend that someone will read what I have to write. Why? You and I both know I'd be much happier if no one saw me at all. 

Monday, January 8, 2024

The Greenhouse

 It's cold.
It's raining.
I can't see the sunlight
So I'm starving.
I'm still alive
But everyday 
Brings more pain 
Then I can deal with.

I'm told that somewhere,
Far away,
There's a heaven made of glass.
A place that's always warm,
Where you never get rained on,
Where you never need to worry about 
Finding the sun.

Oh, to live there,
To never need to worry
About dying again.
But I won't live there.
You don't go there by choice.
You go there because the gods 
Have chosen you.

No one knows why they choose some
Over others.
Everyone wishes that it could be them.

It's cold,
It's raining,
But the concrete won't let
Most of the water through.
I stretch out my leaves,
But the sun's vanished
Behind a large square cloud.
I'm so hungry.
I'm surviving,
But only just. 

Oh, to live where there's always sunlight,
Where you get water every day,
Where you never need to worry about being eaten.

I'm not asking for much,
So why won't the gods
Listen to my pleas.
I've heard they can change the climate,
So why can't they build 
A greenhouse for everyone?

There's someone else
Growing next to me,
Fighting me for sunlight and air.
It knows I'm struggling,
Knows there's not enough for both of us,
But it's fighting me for all that it can.

I wish someone would help me,
I wish the gods would grant me
Respite from this torture.

My enemy laughs,
"Do you think such a place
As a greenhouse exists?"

"I've heard, on the wind, that the gods have
Warmed the planet. 
I've heard, on the wind, the gods
Have cleared the land
And sowed it with so much life
You grow before you know what's going on.
All that greatness, and you still demand more?
The gods have given us all we need to survive,
So why don't you accept 
That you were never worthy to begin with?"

I know what it's doing.
It's trying to prove that it can win 
By bullying me.
It knows it's dead,
Just like me,
If the gods decide not to help us.

The sun's blazing,
But my leaves can't reach any of it.
I can feel the heat roasting me,
But I don't see the light.

Why can't they hear me?
Why won't they help?

If I can't live escape the hunger and pain,
What reason do I have to keep living?
What reason do I have 
To fight for survival? 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

    You ever think about how most of the people we see aren't real? They look real, they have the faces of people who exist, and they sometimes share the opinions the people who look like them share, but the people we see aren't the people who exist, they're people we created to fit molds we have of the world we live in. Good guys, bad guys, everyone in between, all are made up by us and the people who want to influence us so that our world can stay real. But they're not real, and the people who look like them often have little in common with those we see. We pretend Elon Musk is all powerful, but strip away the fawning adoration, and you have a man who is more pathetic than most of the teens who emulate him. Not that said teens will admit that, of course. 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

    There's a lot of talk about personal growth, things written by people who think the way to make the world a better place is by becoming a better person. I think that we may have gotten it backwards. I think that it's just as important to focus on making the world a better place for everyone. The problem is that nobody knows what that better world really looks like. That doesn't mean that we don't have a vision for what it could look like. I think the problem is that we hold ourselves back, because we know that our perfect world could very easily be somebody else's dumpster fire, but if there's a way to make everyone happy, we won't know what it looks like until we know what everyone wants.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Anything for Money

 Anything for money,
Anything for cash,
Anything to help me
Make my current world last.

The world has gotten expensive,
The trials almost too great,
This anger I feel when I step outside
Is almost too much to take.

So I do what I can to survive,
Working, sleeping, praying
Until I find another world
That my soul feels safe in staying

Thursday, January 4, 2024

    I know that this year will likely be a year of reckoning, but I want it to be a year of introspection. I want us to look inward and see who we are and how we got where we are now.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

One Trick Pony

 The one trick pony
Can't do many things,
But when they do what their best at
The crowd goes wild.
When the one trick pony 
Tries to branch out,
The crowd gets upset,
Says they're just an imitator,
That they don't belong on the stage.
What if the one trick pony,
Could learn to be better
And wow audiences for real? 

Monday, January 1, 2024

The Character

 Am I real?
Am I person too complex
To be reduced to numbers?
Or am I just a character,
Someone who's nothing more than a list
Of traits on paper? 

I try to write my life's story,
But the plot won't go 
Where I want it to. 
I just watch, 
Seeing people go about their day,
Doing things for reasons
They could never explain,
For they can only see the inside
Of their own skulls. 

When did this happen?
When did I start role-playing
My own life?
How do I see the truth?
How do I find who I really am?
Or am I wrong?
Do characters only ever exist
Between the pages of a book?